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 SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?

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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2012, 8:08 pm

I am wondering if anyone knows any Superchargers for a 16hp/18hp Briggs and stratton. I don't mean a bolt on supercharger but one that would be suitable for that kind of engine.

I would want a centrifugal Supercharger system just because It would require the least amount of modification/welding to the engine/brackets. I thought it would be cool to run:)
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Supercharger Build   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeApril 5th 2012, 11:54 am

hey I found this site that might be helpful to you.


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our tractor cause its so loud we caint hear you!
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeApril 5th 2012, 3:22 pm

It might just be knew but this looks like a very complicated set up
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeApril 5th 2012, 4:40 pm

I always wanted to try one of those smog pump chargers on a mower engine. Might get around to it someday.
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeApril 5th 2012, 9:38 pm

I saw that online and thought that would work, I was just wondering if anyone knew superchargers that are sized for small engines(I guess smog pumps are the only way to go...
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2012, 7:51 am

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I am wondering if anyone knows any Superchargers for a 16hp/18hp Briggs and stratton. I don't mean a bolt on supercharger but one that would be suitable for that kind of engine.

I would want a centrifugal Supercharger system just because It would require the least amount of modification/welding to the engine/brackets. I thought it would be cool to run:)

Check out the Gator Supercharger site, plus there are yahoo groups on it. It's a supercharger that uses the Toro leafblower impellor, and is designed to be easily home made. The inventor is retired from Studebaker/Paxton superchargers. I don't know if he is still around, but his idea is. I plan on making one. He said almost any engine can take boosting if the pressure stays in single digits. The guy is ingenious, and I plan on using his idea of a radiator cap for my waste-gate (pressure valve).
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PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2012, 3:24 pm

I will have to look into that more, seems pretty cool and it doesn't look like it would cost alot to make it. I never thought of the rad cap idea for a waste gate or blow off valve, what about inter coolers? is it recommended to put an inter cooler on a supercharger like a turbo?
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2012, 5:48 pm

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I will have to look into that more, seems pretty cool and it doesn't look like it would cost alot to make it. I never thought of the rad cap idea for a waste gate or blow off valve, what about inter coolers? is it recommended to put an inter cooler on a supercharger like a turbo?

Well, that is right into the thick of things... You should join
It's been quiet lately, but there is a lot to search through. All I can say is I'm not going to worry about an intercooler on my small engine, but you may want to... scratch
It's up to your experimentations. There have been quite a few put on auto engines of different sizes (it's amazing what a leaf blower impellor can do!), but I don't remember any mention of intercoolers, other than bitter arguements about them in some posts... Suspect
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2012, 6:09 pm

Turbochargers are driven by exhaust gas, regardless of the amount of insulation and thermal protection, there is a lot of heat transferred from the turbine section to the compressor section. This heat gets transferred to the incoming air which gets heated up and causes poor performance. The intercooler cools the incoming air, and returns the air to a cooler temperature. Cooler air is more dense, and performance increases.

Since a supercharger is belt driven, there is no exhaust heat transferred to the incoming air, hence an intercooler is not neccessary, although it may help some if the engine is pulling hot ambient air.
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2012, 8:49 pm

I was just reading about that gator supercharger thing, thanks for the cool link. On there, the guy mentioned intercoolers on superchargers and said they were pretty useless on lower boost applications, like below 10 psi. I don't know one way or the other, but seems right.
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2012, 10:00 pm

I remember my auto teacher mentioned that the friction from the blades "chopping" the air cause some of the heat too. I also tried joining the group, I am waiting for an approval.
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2012, 11:28 pm

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I remember my auto teacher mentioned that the friction from the blades "chopping" the air cause some of the heat too. I also tried joining the group, I am waiting for an approval.

He was correct. Just the process of compressing air builds heat. the more you compress it the more heat it makes.

however, at the boost levels we are talking about. heat isn;t an issue.
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeNovember 22nd 2012, 1:39 pm

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I remember my auto teacher mentioned that the friction from the blades "chopping" the air cause some of the heat too. I also tried joining the group, I am waiting for an approval.

If Dick is still kickin', he can take a month of sundays to get around to approving you. Gotta be patient with the grumpy old goat... :-)
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeNovember 23rd 2012, 6:39 am

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I remember my auto teacher mentioned that the friction from the blades "chopping" the air cause some of the heat too. I also tried joining the group, I am waiting for an approval.

While you are waiting you may as well wait on two, no? Dick Datson's main group is

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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeNovember 23rd 2012, 2:38 pm

I tried joining that group just now and im having problems, it keep saying "There was a problem with your request" ill try later. Originally I didnt know if I should of joined that group or the small engine one so I had only the small engine I wish I joined both.
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeNovember 23rd 2012, 4:06 pm

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I tried joining that group just now and im having problems, it keep saying "There was a problem with your request" ill try later. Originally I didnt know if I should of joined that group or the small engine one so I had only the small engine I wish I joined both.

Didja go to the one through my link? There is a third, drawthrough carburators or some such, that is defunct, daid, no work... :-) I don't remember why. Dick had an extra-special ornery day or somesuch... Shocked
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeNovember 29th 2012, 8:12 am

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I tried joining that group just now and im having problems, it keep saying "There was a problem with your request" ill try later. Originally I didnt know if I should of joined that group or the small engine one so I had only the small engine I wish I joined both.

I'm waiting on joining the carbureted group now also, but Dick is moving slow! I wish he'd give the groups over if he has lost interest. He takes a long time to approve my messages to the small engine group also, but he must still be around because someone eventually does... I may go to the Gator website and email him and ask in a while if he lets my application expire.
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeDecember 2nd 2012, 8:31 am

boxerbs wrote:
W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I tried joining that group just now and im having problems, it keep saying "There was a problem with your request" ill try later. Originally I didnt know if I should of joined that group or the small engine one so I had only the small engine I wish I joined both.

I'm waiting on joining the carbureted group now also, but Dick is moving slow! I wish he'd give the groups over if he has lost interest. He takes a long time to approve my messages to the small engine group also, but he must still be around because someone eventually does... I may go to the Gator website and email him and ask in a while if he lets my application expire.

How is your group contact going? I still have not heard on my second group application, and Dick has not approved my latest post for a long time. Not a good sign... I hope he hasn't decided to let his groups go silent... I'm going to try an email from his gator/safari website.
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeDecember 2nd 2012, 9:53 am

he still hasnt approved of anything yet, I sort of want to know more about all of this stuff...
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeDecember 9th 2012, 6:39 am

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I tried joining that group just now and im having problems, it keep saying "There was a problem with your request" ill try later. Originally I didnt know if I should of joined that group or the small engine one so I had only the small engine I wish I joined both.

Well, I finally received approval and into the group. How about you? Weirdly, apparently I was approved after the two-week time limit, and when I tried posting yahoo rejected it because I went over the two-week limit! sheesh, what a deal... I'll give yahoo a few days and try again. Suspect
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeDecember 9th 2012, 10:29 am

I am still waiting for approval. Taking a while, hopefully he does approve me.
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeDecember 10th 2012, 7:12 pm

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I am still waiting for approval. Taking a while, hopefully he does approve me.

Well, the files and stuff are okay, but right now they are just bitching at each other over the books being sold out, and accusing folks of pulling scams and all that good stuff. Not much worth reading right now anyway. If you were hoping to buy a supercharging book, or supercharging small engines, you couldn't get one anyway... Was that your plan? I have a supercharging small engines book I could maybe photocopy for the mailing costs. What it is is a diary of the development tracked in old posts. It's very confusing if you don't realize that! You could work your way from post one and get it all from there without the confusion of the book. It would while away several winter evenings! :-)
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Age : 28
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeDecember 10th 2012, 7:24 pm

boxerbs wrote:
W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I am still waiting for approval. Taking a while, hopefully he does approve me.

Well, the files and stuff are okay, but right now they are just bitching at each other over the books being sold out, and accusing folks of pulling scams and all that good stuff. Not much worth reading right now anyway. If you were hoping to buy a supercharging book, or supercharging small engines, you couldn't get one anyway... Was that your plan? I have a supercharging small engines book I could maybe photocopy for the mailing costs. What it is is a diary of the development tracked in old posts. It's very confusing if you don't realize that! You could work your way from post one and get it all from there without the confusion of the book. It would while away several winter evenings! :-)
I mainly want to see the files and stuff, ill just keep waiting.
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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2012, 8:12 am

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
boxerbs wrote:
W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I am still waiting for approval. Taking a while, hopefully he does approve me.

Well, the files and stuff are okay, but right now they are just bitching at each other over the books being sold out, and accusing folks of pulling scams and all that good stuff. Not much worth reading right now anyway. If you were hoping to buy a supercharging book, or supercharging small engines, you couldn't get one anyway... Was that your plan? I have a supercharging small engines book I could maybe photocopy for the mailing costs. What it is is a diary of the development tracked in old posts. It's very confusing if you don't realize that! You could work your way from post one and get it all from there without the confusion of the book. It would while away several winter evenings! :-)
I mainly want to see the files and stuff, ill just keep waiting.

That'll work! I dunno if I have mentioned this (in to many groups! :-) but this will be fun while you wait.

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SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeDecember 16th 2012, 6:10 am

boxerbs wrote:
W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
I tried joining that group just now and im having problems, it keep saying "There was a problem with your request" ill try later. Originally I didnt know if I should of joined that group or the small engine one so I had only the small engine I wish I joined both.

I'm waiting on joining the carbureted group now also, but Dick is moving slow! I wish he'd give the groups over if he has lost interest. He takes a long time to approve my messages to the small engine group also, but he must still be around because someone eventually does... I may go to the Gator website and email him and ask in a while if he lets my application expire.

Bad news... The posts I sent got bounced back by yahoo because they were not approved within the 14 day limit. In other words, there is no one watching over the group. It is essentially dead it appears. So it goes... Rolling Eyes
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PostSubject: Re: SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton?   SuperCharger for a 16HP/18HP Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitime

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