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 Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin?

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richie thomas
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Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin? Empty
PostSubject: Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin?   Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin? Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2012, 11:36 pm

will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin?
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
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Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin?   Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin? Icon_minitimeApril 11th 2012, 5:23 pm

i dont think so try it it could work and then it could be like a stroker motor
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Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin?   Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin? Icon_minitimeApril 11th 2012, 8:45 pm

its not going to be a stroker unless you have a different crank if the rods are too short there wont be enough compression and if theyre too long the pistons going to hit the head
rods are engine specific, go on a parts website and check numbers they might be the same
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Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin?   Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin? Icon_minitime

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Will the rods out of a 20 hp opposed work in a 21 v twin?
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