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 I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV

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Age : 25
Join date : 2012-02-28
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Location : Silk Hope N.C.

I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV  Empty
PostSubject: I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV    I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV  Icon_minitimeApril 30th 2012, 11:51 pm

I got a free 14.5 horse power briggs from a Sabre riding mower and I mounted it on my off road racing craftsman I cleaned out the cylinder and the carb but it didn't come with a spark plug so if any body could tell me what type/ model number spark plug to use also the is a electrical plug on the bottom of the carb and the plug is on the drain plug/ bowl nut but anyways does anyone know what that's for?
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I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV  Empty
PostSubject: Re: I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV    I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV  Icon_minitimeMay 1st 2012, 12:06 am

The spark plug should be a RC12YC (Champion #)
The thing under the bowl is an anti-backfire solenoid. It needs 12V to operate; the engine won't run if it's not working.
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I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV  Empty
PostSubject: Re: I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV    I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV  Icon_minitimeMay 1st 2012, 6:54 am

We have ran a couple of those engines. Removed the fuel soliniod and replaced with a plug, they tend to go bad. Also they would foul plugs, so got a hotter plug for it, parts store can tell you what plug is hotter. They will blow oil if you run high rpms. Strong motor, plenty of power.
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Age : 25
Join date : 2012-02-28
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Location : Silk Hope N.C.

I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV  Empty
PostSubject: Thanks    I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV  Icon_minitimeMay 1st 2012, 5:35 pm

Thanks for the help with this motor i will be posting my build on this site. but about the fuel solenoid, I couldnt find a plug that fit in there so either where could i get one or how should i hook 12 volts up to it for it to properly function?
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I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV  Empty
PostSubject: Re: I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV    I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV  Icon_minitime

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I need help with 14.5hp briggs OHV
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