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 Briggs head covers..?

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Briggs head covers..? Empty
PostSubject: Briggs head covers..?   Briggs head covers..? Icon_minitimeMay 6th 2012, 4:09 am

Whats the general opinion on the Briggs head covers around here? Im talking about the sheet metal covers the go over the cooling fins on the head. All Ive ever seen them do is plug up, causing more harm than good. Dad has pulled his off so many times to blow out junk stuck in the fins, the threads in the block are stripped out.

Keep them or run without them? Pros/cons?

Engine is a 12.5 briggs.

Thanks !
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Briggs head covers..? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs head covers..?   Briggs head covers..? Icon_minitimeMay 6th 2012, 9:16 am

They duct the air from the flywheel around the head to keep it cool.... Without them you will probably have overheating issues. If you remove them keep an eye on the color of the block around the cylinder and the head. They will usually turn a golden color if they get real hot.
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Briggs head covers..?
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