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 Briggs 3.5hp 1991 classic

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PostSubject: Briggs 3.5hp 1991 classic   Briggs 3.5hp 1991 classic Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2010, 5:44 pm

Well I hate to say this but, my 3.5hp engine is going to be down for a while, untill i get a new rod and crank, and pretty much a new block unless i could press in new guides for the valves. I have had this little thing for a very long time and its been around for as long as i have been around. it was built in 1991 so its going on 19 years old and it now just starting to knock, i have put that motor threw alot actually, when i found it i ran it for a while with no cooling shroud, yikes, but i was moving, (i did find a shroud though) i used to play around on it and revv it wide open not for long at all though. cut some serious grass with it and used it every summer, and its done its job well, and paid its self off big time. I bet if i had a cooling shroud, and didn't over rev it at all it probably would be trucking on and on.
i did have this engine rebuilt last year, but i did notice the crank and rod surfaces were really rough, so i should have fixed that then but i will fix it soon or somtime soon, i know before summer is over with.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 3.5hp 1991 classic   Briggs 3.5hp 1991 classic Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2010, 6:39 pm

That sucks. I dug out (I mean literally dug, it was grown in under the plum tree really well!) my dads old 3.5hp push mower. Theres nothing special about it really, its just old, my dad bought it brand new, was used since about 85 or soemhting (ill get back to you on the date), but the points dont work, the plunger will not plunge!)

It seems weird, but I really wanna fix it up, theres next to no paint on the motor or deck, its rusty all over, but its kinda got sentimental value to me, even though my Father keeps telling me I might as well get rid of it. Its not like I really need it either. But I wanted to but these dethatching tines you can buy for push powers and put it to use for that! He alwyas thought it was 2 stroke, came as a suprise to him when I told him it wasnt. So its been well oiled too. I may just ditch the points and go electronic. Saves me alot of work!

Anyway, back to topic, have you can get another engine or parts, 3.5s are very common, shouldnt be hard to find one on the kerb or for cheap.
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Join date : 2010-03-07
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 3.5hp 1991 classic   Briggs 3.5hp 1991 classic Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2010, 8:45 pm

well i have another piston and rod thats from a 2001 4hp but all they changed was the head and acr (automatic compression release)on the cam(and the cam is plastic in it too). but i would need to buy a new crank, i would have used the 2001 crank but it was bent really bad, so i may even want to get a new rod as well. but im still going to use my 1991 block i just need to find a way to take out the broken head bolt. i could drill a small hole on the bolt, tap it with revers threads and tighten it up and turn out the broken bolt so i could reuse the same hole.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 3.5hp 1991 classic   Briggs 3.5hp 1991 classic Icon_minitime

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