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 Shaft vs Belt Drive

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PostSubject: Shaft vs Belt Drive   drive - Shaft vs Belt Drive Icon_minitimeMay 29th 2012, 11:40 am

Witch would be better I am wanting to build a off road tractor and would like for it to be diesel but from what i am seeing i can only get on with a shaft can you make a shaft drive put out speed or can i get a diesel with a belt drive
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PostSubject: Re: Shaft vs Belt Drive   drive - Shaft vs Belt Drive Icon_minitimeMay 29th 2012, 7:14 pm

I dont think you would be able to make a diesel belt drive just because it would be really hard finding a Vertical shaft Diesel Engine. but it would be alot better with shaft drive because there is no belt slippage and you wont have to worry about that. If your using a diesel you have to think of that your going through and think of making a meter for your fuel so you dont run out. If you Run out of fuel its sort of annoying to prime them, and if you flood a diesel you'll have fun getting the water out. Ive thought of a diesel for trail riding(Fuel efficiency and TORQUE), nothing through mud pits/water holes just because its a little harder to get them cleaned out. Plus Diesels are expensive.
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PostSubject: Re: Shaft vs Belt Drive   drive - Shaft vs Belt Drive Icon_minitimeMay 29th 2012, 8:10 pm

I know about the diesel and that stuff but how would you set up the shaft driven tranny just open it up and switch the gears around or what
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PostSubject: Re: Shaft vs Belt Drive   drive - Shaft vs Belt Drive Icon_minitimeMay 29th 2012, 11:41 pm

Shaft drive might be hard if you dont already have a tractor that is shaft drive, if you have a tractor that is belt driven right now you would have to make the drive shaft, I would make the drive shaft your making fit the original shaft the trans pulley goes on and put a couple u-joints in it or find a high speed gearbox that has the output 90 degrees from the input and is a 1:1 ratio and run that to your engine(you would need another u-joint still). It would be alot of work and you would need a welder but if you have an old cub cadet shaft drive it would be fairly easy, just mount the drive shaft to the crank(make a sleeve for it) or to the flywheel(I don't know how its done but there are videos of builds on youtube with the drive shafts attached to the flywheel).
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PostSubject: Re: Shaft vs Belt Drive   drive - Shaft vs Belt Drive Icon_minitimeMay 30th 2012, 10:42 am

Well i am not trying to make a belt drive in to a shaft drive. i mainly wanted to know what has to be done to a shaft drive in order to make it have some speed. i mean i don't need to to do 90 in the woods. As far as a diesel it would sound better in the woods lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Shaft vs Belt Drive   drive - Shaft vs Belt Drive Icon_minitimeMay 30th 2012, 7:59 pm

Ooh that would be fun...umm probably tearing the transmission apart is the best way to do it but I dont know where you could get gears. Or trying to mount the motor and attach a high speed gear reduction box on and turn it around so you use the output as an input and mount your engine a little forward at the same time.Or put a two stroke snowmobile gasser in it and get it ripping upto 7,000rpm all day:P
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PostSubject: Re: Shaft vs Belt Drive   drive - Shaft vs Belt Drive Icon_minitimeJune 4th 2012, 12:16 am

lol true and thanks for the help
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Hillbilly Homer
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drive - Shaft vs Belt Drive Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shaft vs Belt Drive   drive - Shaft vs Belt Drive Icon_minitimeJune 4th 2012, 12:57 am

Do you have a specific tractor in mind?
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