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 Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor?

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richie thomas
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Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor? Empty
PostSubject: Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor?   Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor? Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2012, 10:13 pm

wont it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor? the motor is a horizontal shaft 16 hp briggs opposed twin
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Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor?   Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor? Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2012, 12:48 am

If the document I have is right, they use the same carb. According to it, the stroke is the difference between 16 and 18.
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richie thomas
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richie thomas
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Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor?   Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor? Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2012, 2:07 am

well damn lol i got a half inch spacer for the carb ill see what that does on it and ill drill out the jets on the spare
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Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor?   Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor? Icon_minitime

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Will it give me a lil more power if i take a 18 hp carb and put it on a 16 hp motor?
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