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 lowering tractor/tucking transaxle??

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transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? Empty
PostSubject: lowering tractor/tucking transaxle??   transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2012, 10:00 pm

ok i got a murray 12hp 5 speed id like to build as a race mower i know how to lift them but not really sure how to lower them? how do you do the transaxle setup? cause iknow u still need to keep the pulleys lined up and same level.
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transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: lowering tractor/tucking transaxle??   transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2012, 10:31 pm

I know alot of people will use a jack shaft set-up and then notch out transaxle mounts and install the jackshaft and the transaxle, If you were keeping the pulleys at the same height you could notch the jackshaft and lift the Engine and Clutch setup and maybe get 1-2inches. Other then that You would need to get smaller tires and lower the body to have the belts run level.
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transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: lowering tractor/tucking transaxle??   transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? Icon_minitimeDecember 27th 2012, 9:27 pm

if you flip the axle you can get like 4 but you have to engineer a shifter mech
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transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: lowering tractor/tucking transaxle??   transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? Icon_minitimeDecember 28th 2012, 1:52 am

You can lower a tractor with a transmission - itll take some fab work - heres a pic of a racing tractor setup:
transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? 2011-110

I know the murray transmissions are different - its just an example - youd need reinforcing.

To run it that way, youll also need jackshaft setup - this can be made from a mower deck mandrel assembly :
transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? 25791510

Needs to reinforced where jackshaft is also - thats the easiest way do do a drop with a transmission.
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Age : 34
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transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: lowering tractor/tucking transaxle??   transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? Icon_minitimeDecember 28th 2012, 9:20 am

Yea i was going to lower it like that but ive sold the tractor to pay a bill ugh lol
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PostSubject: Re: lowering tractor/tucking transaxle??   transaxle - lowering tractor/tucking transaxle?? Icon_minitime

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