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 barn find Craftsman

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Join date : 2012-06-22
Points : 4538
Posts : 26
Location : Titusville Pa

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PostSubject: barn find Craftsman   barn find Craftsman Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2012, 5:18 pm

So here's a little story to go along with a build.....I moved into this new house like 7-8 months ago and found a lawn mower up in the barn and i asked the person who we are renting from who's it was and he said i could have it so i figured i would mow with it until we got another mower and then on its first run the motor seized up so it sat for about 3 weeks and then my buddy gave us a parts mower and said we could have the motor off it and its 12.5 hp Tecumseh and after mounting it up and starting it i found out i smokes and it burns a lot of oil so were not going to mow with it and i think im going to turn it into a mudder. but i need help and ideas to make it better and stronger so could u guys help me are some pics..
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Age : 25
Join date : 2012-02-28
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Location : Silk Hope N.C.

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PostSubject: Re: barn find Craftsman   barn find Craftsman Icon_minitimeAugust 13th 2012, 11:21 pm

im doing a craftman build as well the craftsmans especially older ones are built like tanks and they are tough as nails the only week spot is the steering gears tend to have issues
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Join date : 2012-06-22
Points : 4538
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Location : Titusville Pa

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PostSubject: Re: barn find Craftsman   barn find Craftsman Icon_minitimeAugust 13th 2012, 11:35 pm

yea i moved on from this project i have a cub cadet now im building im trying to sell this now
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PostSubject: Re: barn find Craftsman   barn find Craftsman Icon_minitime

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