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 Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv

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PostSubject: Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv   Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Icon_minitimeMay 11th 2010, 7:28 pm

wow am i so happy. I was talking to the owner of the business were i work, and he's a really cool guy, and he is working a deal with me to get the briggs 900 series i/c ohv engine, for my go kart, wow im so happy, i really didn't want to buy that chinese clone engine when i can buy an engine brand that i have been living by my whole life BRIGGS AND STRATTON. the only engines i have that aren't made by briggs is my weedeaters which one is by ryobi, my best weedeater, and two free ones that are weedeater brands, which work really good too. . and we were also talking about finding out were to get the briggs 700 series Direct overhead valve engine, the 700 dov i was mentioning earlier.
heres a pic of the engine im getting
now the cover isn't red, its black but same exact engine.
[img]Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Inteks10[/img]
i also think this engine is a 9hp not to sure but its stronger than my 5hp and the 6.5hp clone engine.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv   Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Icon_minitimeMay 11th 2010, 11:16 pm

If you are getting it on the cheap i'd say go for it. I was told briggs will interchange with the clone motors. But that is what i was told.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv   Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Icon_minitimeMay 12th 2010, 3:08 am

Looks good. Im not sure on the HP rating, but it could well be 9hp! That will have plenty of power for a kart! bounce
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv   Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Icon_minitimeMay 12th 2010, 7:51 pm

ok here is the pic's i got the engine today, i test ran it, and its very very torquey and can easily be setup on my go kart. i just have to add on a return spring for the throttle.
[img]Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Dscf0051[/img]
also this engine is a commercial grade, low oil shutdown, cast iron sleeve, and other parts that are made stronger than the basic model.
also you can see the low oil shutdown thing on the far left side of the pic.
[img]Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Dscf0052[/img]
[img]Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Dscf0053[/img]
Im also working on my go kart while i wait, and wait for that one little hub piece for my transaxle on my mudding mower.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv   Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Icon_minitimeMay 13th 2010, 3:26 am

wow Shocked definatly a nice motor. That thing will be great. Bet its awesome on gas too! Thats always a bonus. Cant wait to see more of it
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Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv   Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Icon_minitimeMay 13th 2010, 6:42 am

dude i will get a flight over to your house and parachute in and KILL you if you dont put a video up of the making or part of it! king Twisted Evil

that is a really nice engine! are you putting a gearbox or just running the clutch to a fixed axle? i saw this guy on youtube and he had a torque converter and it went 36km/h it look awsome alien
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv   Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Icon_minitimeMay 13th 2010, 6:51 am

well i am for now running a 10t clutch on a 48t sprocket with no torque converter, and with my 5hp engine i was able to get going 45mph, so i wonder how fast i can go now. Also i do have one video of it on youtube just go to my channel,

but for me to do more things like install the motor i would have to wait till its not pouring down rain when i go to do it.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv   Briggs And stratton 900 Series I/c ohv Icon_minitime

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