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 B&S oil fill

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PostSubject: B&S oil fill    B&S oil fill  Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2012, 5:05 pm

i've got an lawn mower with an briggs, only the last few times the motor started doing weird.
if i remove the oil pen while it's running oil will plump out of the thing, it didn't do that before, or at least i didn't notice.
but the oil level is good. the oil isn't the newest but it should work. i've got no idea , it started like at once.
so if anyone ever experienced something like this, please respond.
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PostSubject: Re: B&S oil fill    B&S oil fill  Icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2012, 6:42 am

Actually you shouldnt remove the dipstick while its running - besides burning you with hot oil , it can easily loose most the capacity.

Only reason the oil level went up is because gas is leaking into the crankcase - which means time for a carb cleaning/rebuilding - oil capacity for single cylender is around a quart and quarter or so.

Smell the oil - if it reeks of gas - change it - if its left in there youll blow up the motor , gas will thin the oil and eventually gall the berings, ruining the motor.

Another reason oil could push out is built up crankcase pressure- meaning the breather is plugged.
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