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 has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin

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Age : 48
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has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin Empty
PostSubject: has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin   has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin Icon_minitimeAugust 13th 2012, 7:07 pm

has any body done a snorkel on a 16hp b&s cause i just got 2 of them and i shoe horned one in my beast and the other is going in my 6x6
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Age : 25
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Location : Silk Hope N.C.

has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin Empty
PostSubject: Re: has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin   has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin Icon_minitimeAugust 14th 2012, 2:48 am

a snorkel would be cool but you would have to find a way to completely water proof the magneto or else if your in deep water it might die on you out of the blue
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Age : 28
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has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin Empty
PostSubject: Re: has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin   has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin Icon_minitimeAugust 15th 2012, 12:49 pm

Ive tried to snorkel a 15.5hp ohv but i couldnt figure it out. I did end up snorkeling my 21hp vtwin though
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has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin Empty
PostSubject: Re: has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin   has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin Icon_minitime

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has any body put a air snorkel on a 16 b&s twin
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