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 18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ?

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3 posters
Craftsman Dude
Craftsman Dude

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18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ? Empty
PostSubject: 18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ?   18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ? Icon_minitimeSeptember 29th 2012, 1:23 am

I have a single sylinder b&s 18.5 it will run but only at one speed, if you try to throttle it up or down it dies it is also hard to spin over could this be a sheared flywheel key.i have changed the oil sparkplug and completly gone thru the fuel system and i dont know what to do with it.
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Age : 48
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18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ? Empty
PostSubject: What makes you think..   18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ? Icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2012, 9:31 am

What makes you think its a sheared flywheel key?

I could give you a shopping list of other reasons why an engine would be hard to turn over and

But, I would be happy to walk through some dianostics to help you out.
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Age : 26
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18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ?   18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ? Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2012, 9:38 am

My engine does the same thing. No matter how much throttle or choke it runs at 1u speed which is really slow.
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Age : 48
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18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ? Empty
PostSubject: I'm online a lot so    18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ? Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2012, 9:58 am

crafsmankiller wrote:
My engine does the same thing. No matter how much throttle or choke it runs at 1u speed which is really slow.
I'm online a lot so I can try and help. I don't always have the absolute right answer but I can maybe get you to the right direction to fix your problem.
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18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ?   18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ? Icon_minitime

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18.5 b&s sheared flywheel key ?
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