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 14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid.

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14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Empty
PostSubject: 14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid.   14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Icon_minitimeOctober 2nd 2012, 12:49 pm

I have a 98 murray wide body, its has a 14.5 IC quiet, and it only starts on starter fluid unless its over 85 dgrees Farenhight out. does anyone know why it does this, and what i can do to fix it?
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14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid.   14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Icon_minitimeOctober 2nd 2012, 7:06 pm

Have you cleaned and/or rebuilt the carb recently? That's what I'd look at first.
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14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid.   14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Icon_minitimeOctober 2nd 2012, 7:09 pm

No i havent yet, i sprayed carb cleaner into the gas intake where the gas line hooks up to carb, but i didnt take the carb apart yet
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14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid.   14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Icon_minitimeFebruary 22nd 2013, 11:27 am

murrayman96 wrote:
No i havent yet, i sprayed carb cleaner into the gas intake where the gas line hooks up to carb, but i didnt take the carb apart yet

Ya need to check the carb dude! no mower runs with a dirty carb. Take the bowl off the carb and see how dirty that is then judge whether the whole thing needs to be cleaned. Also make sure your fuel lines arnt clogged
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14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid.   14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Icon_minitimeFebruary 22nd 2013, 12:12 pm

i had tht same problem with my tiller. i did was cleaned the carb. i also had to adjust my fule mixture screw.
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Tractor Man Jeff
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14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid.   14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Icon_minitimeFebruary 22nd 2013, 12:49 pm

To be honest, I have yet to clean my carb. It's a good thing to do in trying to fix problems. I'm in the process of cleaning a carb from a briggs generator which began running terribly. I'm sure some of my engine problems are the dirty carb I keep putting off to cleam. Laughing Be sure to take everything apart(remember where everything goes)Jets, float, ect. It's also a good thing to replace the gaskets while you have it all apart.
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14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid.   14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Icon_minitimeFebruary 22nd 2013, 4:02 pm

unless they are really worn out, 90 percent of the time, when these engine start to run crappy, it is a carb/fuel problem.
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14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid.   14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid. Icon_minitime

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14.5 I/C Briggs wont start without starter fluid.
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