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 16.5 hp b&S sputtering

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PostSubject: 16.5 hp b&S sputtering    16.5 hp b&S sputtering  Icon_minitimeOctober 16th 2012, 7:18 pm

Hey Everyone! I have a Craftsman LT1000 with a briggs 16.5hp engine and a nikki carb. The other day i was hauling firewood and the motor started cutting out real bad like it wasnt getting fuel. so i cleaned the carb and it runs a little better at full throttle but if i idle it down its like the govenor kicks in all the way and it stalls then comes right back to normal and so on and so on. I had to back the idle screw out some and it just smoothed out the top end. there is another screw but it has a black plastic retaining type thing on it so im assuming thats the air/fuel mixture screw? The only thing i can think of is the gasket under the plastic piece inside the carb....its slightly deformed and over hangs a bit...could it be sucking air or sumtin? I'll admit im not a carb guy i kow just enuff to be dangerous lol thanks guys!
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PostSubject: you fix it yet?   16.5 hp b&S sputtering  Icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2012, 10:00 am

jaymz wrote:
Hey Everyone! I have a Craftsman LT1000 with a briggs 16.5hp engine and a nikki carb. The other day i was hauling firewood and the motor started cutting out real bad like it wasnt getting fuel. so i cleaned the carb and it runs a little better at full throttle but if i idle it down its like the govenor kicks in all the way and it stalls then comes right back to normal and so on and so on. I had to back the idle screw out some and it just smoothed out the top end. there is another screw but it has a black plastic retaining type thing on it so im assuming thats the air/fuel mixture screw? The only thing i can think of is the gasket under the plastic piece inside the carb....its slightly deformed and over hangs a bit...could it be sucking air or sumtin? I'll admit im not a carb guy i kow just enuff to be dangerous lol thanks guys!

Has anyone helped you trouble shoot this problem yet? or has it been resolved?
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PostSubject: Re: 16.5 hp b&S sputtering    16.5 hp b&S sputtering  Icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2012, 3:46 pm

Could be a blockage in the fuel line/gas tank - if the fuel line is old - replace it, probably wouldnt hurt to put a new fuel filter on it either - dont use car style ones because its a gravity feed setup and it wont pull the fuel thru it.

Its either that or theres still a blockage in the carb.
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PostSubject: Re: 16.5 hp b&S sputtering    16.5 hp b&S sputtering  Icon_minitimeNovember 17th 2012, 3:41 pm

A way to test for a deformed gasket is to spray carburetor cleaner all around the gasket while its running to see if the engine suddenly accelarates. If it does while its running you need to replace it... Have you checked your valve clearance?
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PostSubject: Re: 16.5 hp b&S sputtering    16.5 hp b&S sputtering  Icon_minitimeNovember 17th 2012, 7:41 pm

ignition first then carb.

Look for a broken/weak wires, and check for carb blockages
Always use a fresh plug and clean airfilter when troubleshooting
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PostSubject: Re: 16.5 hp b&S sputtering    16.5 hp b&S sputtering  Icon_minitime

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