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 Air Filter Suggestions for a 14hp B&S Vanguard V-Twin OHV engine?

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Air Filter Suggestions for a 14hp B&S Vanguard V-Twin OHV engine? Empty
PostSubject: Air Filter Suggestions for a 14hp B&S Vanguard V-Twin OHV engine?   Air Filter Suggestions for a 14hp B&S Vanguard V-Twin OHV engine? Icon_minitimeDecember 24th 2012, 3:06 pm

I have a 14hp B&S Vanguard V-Twin OHV engine that I pulled out of a Craftsman body. I already fixed the issue that it had (bad starter), so its now ready to be mounted in a body and run. However, when I got it it was missing the air filter and the other side of the housing. I tried looking for the housing part online and no luck, so ill have to make something. I was thinking of having a 90* fitting go out to a cone style air filter, but I have my other hookups and whatnot that the filter had going to it. Im looking for suggestions. Ill snag a picture tonight so you can see what I have to deal with.
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Air Filter Suggestions for a 14hp B&S Vanguard V-Twin OHV engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Air Filter Suggestions for a 14hp B&S Vanguard V-Twin OHV engine?   Air Filter Suggestions for a 14hp B&S Vanguard V-Twin OHV engine? Icon_minitimeDecember 25th 2012, 7:58 am

Could find a suitable K&N air filter - might be a lil expensive, but youll never need a new one. Tractor racers use those for best air flow.
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Air Filter Suggestions for a 14hp B&S Vanguard V-Twin OHV engine?
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