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 Classifieds, use them!

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Classifieds, use them! Empty
PostSubject: Classifieds, use them!   Classifieds, use them! Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2013, 10:00 am

Don't be afraid to post stuff for sale or wanted, lets get some action in the classifieds.

Please delete you posts after you have sold or bought something.  Or post in thread for a moderator to do so.

Time limit will be 6 months for now, ads will be deleted after that.  If you want an ad to stay up, post in it saying so, or delete and start a new one.
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Classifieds, use them! Empty
PostSubject: Classifieds Announcement   Classifieds, use them! Icon_minitimeApril 11th 2013, 10:45 pm

Please be sure to read the threads in the BST that I made on how to help you sell/ buy items. It will help keep your threads understandable, clean, and will help you buy/sell your item.

Also, I will be cleaning up inactive threads every couple of months. Be sure to keep track of your thread, and if you change your mind about selling, sell, or find the item you need, be sure to edit the title to "SOLD" or "FOUND" so I can clean it up. Or, just PM me to delete it.

Remember, the classifieds are here to help you better connect with other users. Use it wisely, read my tips, and get stuff moving!

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Administrators: @Doug, @MightyRaze, @"Doc Sprocket", @Stretch44875
Moderators: @TheRainbowBoxer, @AllisKidD21, @Brianator, @RichieRichOverdrive

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Classifieds, use them!
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