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 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start

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Location : 820 Opposed Twin RD. AxleBreaker City

12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Empty
PostSubject: 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start   12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Icon_minitimeJanuary 13th 2013, 6:54 pm

Its a 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start. ive tried doing everything using the choke and starting fluid, but it won't idle by itself, i have no idea why please help.
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12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start   12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Icon_minitimeJanuary 13th 2013, 7:13 pm

Spark, Compression & fuel. That's what your engine needs to run.

You say it won't idle by itself... does that mean it will run on starting fluid? If so you've likely got a fuel issue.
If the fuel itself is good it's probably time to clean the carb
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12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start   12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Icon_minitimeJanuary 13th 2013, 7:18 pm

what he said.
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12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start   12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Icon_minitimeJanuary 13th 2013, 7:53 pm

is it getting fuel? Does it have good spark? It could be a dirty carb
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Age : 27
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12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start   12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2013, 3:24 pm

Safety switches in the mower? are they bad. killswitch not bad and grounding the motor off? Just some ideas.
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Age : 27
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12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start   12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2013, 3:24 pm

Killswitch wire*
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12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start   12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Icon_minitimeJanuary 18th 2013, 3:38 pm

If it runs on starter fluid, but not without it, then the carb is dirty/plugged, or it may be bad gas
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Age : 27
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12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start   12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Icon_minitimeJanuary 19th 2013, 12:17 am

Didn't see that clearly
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Age : 26
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12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start   12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Icon_minitimeJanuary 23rd 2013, 10:27 am

see if air is coming out of the carb. i just had the same problem.
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Age : 25
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Location : 820 Opposed Twin RD. AxleBreaker City

12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start   12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2014, 8:58 pm

I don't even remember posting this, but I found out that the spark plug had stuff on it. I put it in the wire wheel, slapped it back in, and the motor fired on gas, smoked for a couple seconds, but it started and ran fine, still does to this day.
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12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start   12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start Icon_minitime

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12.5 hp briggs and stratton flathead and i turn the key over and the motor spins but doesn't want to start
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