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 18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge

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PostSubject: 18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge   18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge Icon_minitimeJanuary 14th 2013, 9:00 am

its my friends mower, but when im drivin it around it has a small surge, its not enough to drtasticly cut speed but its noticeable, and the muffler box broke off of it so it pops when it re-accelerates, could the broken exaust cause this? im not sure what to do
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PostSubject: Re: 18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge   18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge Icon_minitimeJanuary 14th 2013, 10:34 am

Exhaust may be part of the problem, not enough back pressure. Can burn a valve also. Usually a surge means it is running lean, not getting enough gas.
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Age : 26
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PostSubject: Re: 18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge   18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge Icon_minitimeJanuary 14th 2013, 3:31 pm

im goin richen it this weekend to try to fix the surge but i like the broken exaust cause it makes it sound like a harley
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PostSubject: Re: 18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge   18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge Icon_minitimeJanuary 14th 2013, 4:29 pm

Replacing the muffler may help the lean condition.

Removing/changing a muffler increases airflow which affects mixture, as do modifications to the intake and carb.
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Age : 26
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PostSubject: Re: 18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge   18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2013, 8:00 am

ill do anything to get it to run right exept replacing the muffler, it just sounds so cool like it is
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PostSubject: Re: 18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge   18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2013, 9:30 am

crafsmankiller wrote:
ill do anything to get it to run right exept replacing the muffler, it just sounds so cool like it is

Be prepared to do the exhaust valve fairly soon.
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Age : 26
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Location : livingston texas

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PostSubject: Re: 18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge   18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2013, 12:25 pm

ok, its not mine and the owner said he doesnt care about it, so ill run it till it dies
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PostSubject: Re: 18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge   18 horse briggs v-twin full throttle surge Icon_minitime

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