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 briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems

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PostSubject: briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems   briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems Icon_minitimeFebruary 3rd 2013, 5:12 pm

hello everyone im trying to figure out an exhaust system for this engine. also once in a wile it like to surege then it returns to normal the next day any ideas? also just recently it just stop charging
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Murray modder
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems   briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2013, 8:47 pm

I have a twin on "Hades", I turned the pipes backward, and welded the same diameter pipes to that, and they actually fit pretty well running back and on the transaxle.
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems   briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2013, 9:29 pm

Murray modder wrote:
I have a twin on "Hades", I turned the pipes backward, and welded the same diameter pipes to that, and they actually fit pretty well running back and on the transaxle.
hm ok sounds like an idea
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briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems Empty
PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems   briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2013, 9:37 pm

Your stator may have just gone nad if its not charging and your wiring is correct. It happens.

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briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems Empty
PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems   briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2013, 10:14 pm

alot of times, surge is bad mixture, dirty carb related.

Also, it may be hunting which is generally fixed by correcting the governor linkage.
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems   briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2013, 11:00 pm

Check this out that's what I did with my vtwin for an exhaust and also some great other ideas.
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems   briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems Icon_minitimeFebruary 11th 2013, 7:32 pm

Doug Fackler wrote:
Your stator may have just gone nad if its not charging and your wiring is correct. It happens.

that may be what it is
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems   briggs and stratton v-twin need exaust idea and stator problems Icon_minitimeFebruary 11th 2013, 7:34 pm

Chopperhed wrote:
alot of times, surge is bad mixture, dirty carb related.

Also, it may be hunting which is generally fixed by correcting the governor linkage.

everything is good on it its clean and everything is hooked up right it just does that when it wants to
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