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 Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman!

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Join date : 2012-11-25
Posts : 47

drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman!   drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 09, 2014 8:55 pm

Just a quick update and say hi. Haven't done much at all with my tractors this winter. I did manage to get rid of the bungee cord and replace it with a spring. Have a few ideas on some changes but I may just leave well enough alone. Still have to make a support for the upper part of my shifter extension so it won't flex as much. I may work on that this week.

drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 DSCN0354_zps974ce169

drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 DSCN0355_zps0146688c
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drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman!   drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 09, 2014 11:01 pm

I hear yea man its to cold in my shop to do much, slows progress down A LOT.
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Join date : 2012-11-25
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drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman!   drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 18, 2014 11:27 am

it's been a long time but finally got back to the Craftsman. If you followed my build there were a few things I still wanted to do but hadn't got to. The shifter extension would flex at the top to allowing me to shift accurately without playing hide and seek. Since i'm on vacation I decided to have a go at it. As you can see in the picture I fabricated a rigid mount to "grab" the top of the extension so it would rotate in stead of trying to bend. It actually works pretty good but the gears are very close together only taking about half of the normal shift range. I was wondering why I was looking at it then it struck me, I had offset the extension. So even thought it works it's still not working as I want it. I have to move the extension so it's directly over the shift bolt that goes into the transmission. Should be no big deal. I'm just gonna weld plated on the sides off the original bracket with like a 3" rise and a plate at the top of those. Then weld the extension to that so it should work properly. Leaving two sides open will allow me still get the bolt out if ever necessary. I'll post more pictures and an update when I finish. Should be sometime this week.

drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 DSCN0567_zps350ad436" />
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Join date : 2014-06-25
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drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman!   drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 28, 2014 10:31 am

Great build, Fireman!
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drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman!   drive - Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman! - Page 6 Icon_minitime

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Been lurking awhile, first post with new project. Lifted Craftsman!
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