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 12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades

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12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Empty
PostSubject: 12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades   12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2013, 9:30 pm

Hey guys just a quick question. When ever I'm out riding my tractor and I hit a decent bump or go down a hill with larger rocks, my engine like bogs down and sometimes so much is almosts shuts off. I am curious about this (still havn't taken apart carb) if my needle is sticking or out of place? Just an annoying problem I've been having which gets annoying on long trips so any advice or help is appreciated! Thanks!
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12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades   12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2013, 9:34 pm

Also forgot to add that it backfires sometimes after it bogging down or when I shut it off.
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12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades   12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2013, 9:37 pm

I'd look at your float level and the needle and seat first.

But it sounds like a carb/governor issue.

Clean the carb, especially the really tiny holes on the main jet.
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12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades   12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2013, 9:39 pm

Okay thanks! I'll pull it apart and check them out. Usually I just use a small paper clip to clean those but I am afraid it just pushes the gunk farther in? Thanks again for the quick reply!
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12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades   12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2013, 9:55 pm

Question: is the seat safety switch still hooked up? Maybe the bump is lifting you off the seat and the engine kill kicks in just long enough to bog the engine down.

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12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades   12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2013, 10:47 pm

Theworktractor wrote:
Okay thanks! I'll pull it apart and check them out. Usually I just use a small paper clip to clean those but I am afraid it just pushes the gunk farther in? Thanks again for the quick reply!

Never use metallic tools on a jet unless you want to change the jetting. Use Carb cleaner, and compressed air, use a straw from a broom if you need to unplug something.

paper clips are made out of steel.

steel is harder than ANY material used in a carb. steel will scratchand gouge jets and passages, causing the mixture to change.

There are millions of sites online dealing with the proper care and maintenance of carbs of all sorts.

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12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades   12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades Icon_minitime

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12hp Briggs bogs down when taken over bumps/ steep grades
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