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 Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will.

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Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Empty
PostSubject: Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will.   Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Icon_minitimeMay 17th 2013, 9:42 pm

I have a 126T02-0191-B1 date code looks to be 08091 either a 1 or a / then 59. that's all that's on the data tag. It has stripped the crankshaft timing gear. I called Briggs Parts Tech line and the guy said 794388 was the right number. I got my local Briggs dealer to look it up also and that was what he said it looked to be. Well, it's not. I got a metal gear with a tab on the inside that when you drop it over the crankshaft you can rotate it SEVERAL degrees on the crank by hand back and forth. Does anyone know which gear it will take? I just fired off a flaming e-mail to Briggs comments too. I needed to have this running by Saturday morning, but that's a no go. The guy at briggs said I must be reading the date code wrong, NOPE, I see what's there. It doesn't fit into the date range for anything. It does NOT have a keyway inside the gear to fit on the crankshaft. It has a slot cut into the root of the radius of the crank for that Crappy tab that sheared off.
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Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will.   Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Icon_minitimeMay 17th 2013, 10:13 pm

I don't have a parts diagram for that engine. Can I assume you've been all up and down Google looking for a parts diagram?
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Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will.   Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Icon_minitimeMay 17th 2013, 10:18 pm

FORM MS3728--Rev L--01/01/2013
REPLACES FORM MS3728--Rev K--10/19/2012

It's on Briggs website. Not trying to sound smart, if you're smart enough to find the right parts book. I had to go to PartsTree to find the right book, then found it on Briggs website working backwards. I was looking at the same parts book the Briggs parts guy was when he told me that number 794388 Gear--Timing (Use Without Woodruff
Key) was the right one.
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Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will.   Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2013, 6:58 am

Some timing gears have a compression release, maybe that is the extra play?
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Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will.   Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2013, 7:40 am

Stretch44875 wrote:
Some timing gears have a compression release, maybe that is the extra play?

Yeah, right. I do have about 40 years+ exsperiance bulding everything from lawnmower engines to V16-71 Detroits, it don't fit. With a compression release engine, there is some kind of mechanisam to adjust for that, it doen't just flop back and forth.
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Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will.   Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2013, 9:49 am

Geez, it was just a suggestion.

I got it now, gear on crank, tab is too small inside the gear, allowing it to have play.

Is the keyway on the crank wore out from the previous gear?
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Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will.   Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will. Icon_minitime

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Briggs and Stratton didn't get it right, maybe one of you will.
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