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 B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start.

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B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start. Empty
PostSubject: B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start.   B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start. Icon_minitimeMay 30th 2013, 6:53 pm

My lawn mower was working two weeks ago everything was fine i finished mowing my lawn and turned it off. But last week when i tried to start it, it did not turn over at all there is no clicking sounds or anything. I replaced the ignition switch, solenoid, starter and even adjusted the valves. But still when i turn the ignition switch it makes no sound at all no clicking, nothing. Any help would be helpful. The only other thing i can think of is maybe a wiring issue? cant find the schematics for then either. This is the model # 287707-0225-01
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Doc Sprocket
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B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start. Empty
PostSubject: Re: B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start.   B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start. Icon_minitimeMay 30th 2013, 6:59 pm

Is the battery good?

If you don't get so much as a click, and the switch and solenoid are good, then I'm going to guess that either you're missing something that involves a safety switch (sitting down, brake on, PTO off) or a fault with a safety switch or wiring.
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B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start. Empty
PostSubject: Re: B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start.   B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start. Icon_minitimeMay 30th 2013, 10:02 pm

Or it could be the fuse/fusible link some tractors have on the +12v wire.

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Doc Sprocket
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B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start. Empty
PostSubject: Re: B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start.   B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start. Icon_minitimeMay 30th 2013, 10:10 pm

Good call- that's such a basic basic, (LOL) that I shot right past it. I mean, I'd check it, but it's so rudimentary that somewhere buried deep within my subconscious, it wasn't worth mentioning.
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B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start. Empty
PostSubject: Re: B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start.   B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start. Icon_minitime

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B&S 14.5 OHV Wont start.
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