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 Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts

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PostSubject: Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts   Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2013, 9:10 pm

I am looking for any info regarding where to find performance parts for oppys.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts   Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2013, 9:13 pm

Wheres jay rod? He knows a lot about performance oppys. He'll be here soon, faster than stink on doo-doo.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts   Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2013, 9:35 pm

im here lol here are some links  to some parts you can get but most of the other parts cam valve springs and what not are mostly custom or made to fit my valve springs are from a model 28 briggs flathead and there for high hp flatheads i didnt want anything to strong but i had to upgrade my valve springs due to the cam i had made and im sure anyguy near you that knows anything about racing mowers he can help you with a cam a diy mod thats easy is the exhaust i found a 3 stage is the best for these oppys go from a 1" to a 2" to a 2 1/2or a 3" and it must be longer then 10" if less the engine will have massive backfire and well it wont make any power these oppys also dont like shaved heads the best thing you can do to make these oppys up is to have it ported and polished then have it bored .30 over after these 2 mods your oppy will seem like a nasty monster lol now plz dont rev your oppy past 4800 for a long time because the flywheels are known to crack or break after 3850rpm ive had one crack and take out the coil and thats only running at 4200rpm now these opposed twins love love high octane fuel nothen past 98 unless you got some bigger mods done if you do get billet rods go with model 31pistons that are .30+ if you have it bored out if your not planning on running bypassed gov you can always turn it into a stroker ging with a 42ci crank and 40ci rods but the piston will have to be milled .060 :)hope this info helps you out
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts   Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2013, 9:44 pm

also if your wanting to get some easy power go get a t3/t4 turbo that will work or if your cheap like me go with a smogpump people say they cant make boost well thats not true lol ive had a smog pump on a old scored bored 16hp oppy that was on its last leg so my buddy and i installed a smogpump from a old chevy and made 8psi at 3600rpm even tho the engine was worn out it still made boost the reason i havnt taken parts from that opyp for my oppy like the flywheel with the pulley is because we welded the pulley to the crank only did it because the engine was un repairable and had a bad knock lol still it ran good still it seized
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts   Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2013, 9:47 pm

Jay_Rod wrote:
im here lol here are some links  to some parts you can get but most of the other parts cam valve springs and what not are mostly custom or made to fit my valve springs are from a model 28 briggs flathead and there for high hp flatheads i didnt want anything to strong but i had to upgrade my valve springs due to the cam i had made and im sure anyguy near you that knows anything about racing mowers he can help you with a cam a diy mod thats easy is the exhaust i found a 3 stage is the best for these oppys go from a 1" to a 2" to a 2 1/2or a 3" and it must be longer then 10" if less the engine will have massive backfire and well it wont make any power these oppys also dont like shaved heads the best thing you can do to make these oppys up is to have it ported and polished then have it bored .30 over after these 2 mods your oppy will seem like a nasty monster lol now plz dont rev your oppy past 4800 for a long time because the flywheels are known to crack or break after 3850rpm ive had one crack and take out the coil and thats only running at 4200rpm now these opposed twins love love high octane fuel nothen past 98 unless you got some bigger mods done if you do get billet rods go with model 31pistons that are .30+ if you have it bored out if your not planning on running bypassed gov you can always turn it into a stroker ging with a 42ci crank and 40ci rods but the piston will have to be milled .060 :)hope this info helps you out

Well heres some commas and stuff lol

.............. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, !!!!!!!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts   Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2013, 9:49 pm

Mud, remember youll need the heavy duty starter if you go billet.

flywheel 350$ on sale now for 309$ , starter 225$ let those $ fly

Also check out this link
and the bolt on Hoss Power Heads

Last edited by Thunderdivine on June 26th 2013, 5:31 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : price)
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts   Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2013, 10:08 pm

yea jay you need some
Razz me    jay Very Happy
 l_ ...,.,..      _l
 l- ,.,.,,.,       -l
/l                 /l
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts   Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2013, 10:12 pm

i dont have time for them comas man lol got to much to do
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts   Briggs 18.5 vert opposed proformance engine parts Icon_minitime

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