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 Need to design new steering!

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Need to design new steering! Empty
PostSubject: Need to design new steering!   Need to design new steering! Icon_minitimeJuly 6th 2013, 2:24 pm

Ok, so my 1978 Montgomery Ward mudder has finally hit the breaking point. I've had a rough steering rack, and finally the tooth broke off. Now I can no longer turn right more than a few degrees.
The problem is, it has a fairly unique steering system, and I've never seen them for sale.
Should I try to completely redo the system? I have a few MTD racks and pinions laying around, and one Craftsman (I'd probably use the craftsman).
You really have to know this tractor to see what you're getting into here!
Thanks! Need to design new steering! Img_2410
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Need to design new steering! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need to design new steering!   Need to design new steering! Icon_minitimeJuly 6th 2013, 5:17 pm

Modding in a Craftsman steering box would probably be easiest. Direct steering is always an option as well but will take a bit more work.

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Need to design new steering! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need to design new steering!   Need to design new steering! Icon_minitimeJuly 6th 2013, 5:33 pm

Uhh. Yeah. I don't really have a direct path for direct steering. I want to use it as it (but someday I'm going to turn right and it's gonna go straight)! Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Need to design new steering!   Need to design new steering! Icon_minitime

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