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 V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side

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Doc Sprocket
TroyBilt Pony
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V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side   V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side - Page 3 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 1:17 pm

that brings a bunch of things into play. lobes, cams, valves/clearances, rings, pistons... if you have a squirt gun for oil or a funnel with a tube or syrenge or something, try squirting a SMALL amount of oil in the cylinders. its called a "wet compression test". helps the rings seal better
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V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side   V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side - Page 3 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 1:41 pm

I have an oil can and will give it a squirt tonight.
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TroyBilt Pony
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V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side   V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side - Page 3 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 3:01 pm

Squirting oil into the cylinder has about a 2% of chance of fixing your problem.. When you had your head off.. did you see any scoring in the cyl? If the engine was ever ran on low oil.. that could be the problem.. How used is this engine.. i doubt that the compression ring (top ring) is worn.. but its a possibility.. in all honesty.. it glowing a little at night is no huge deal.. its running and thats what counts when it comes to these motors.. if this is a race motor, then i would be concerned.. My pony has a 12hp flatty and it made the exhaust red in day light.. so i shaved the lifter down to spec.. cleaned up the valve seats and port/polished it.. and it hasnt done it since. With an OHV.. more factors are involved. lots of things can slow the reaction of your exhaust valve.. Did everything seem free and easy to slide when you had the valves, out? If not.. that could be delayed closing of your exhaust valve.. Because before that exhaust valve opens.. The fuel should be completely burned. 87 gas is fine for a stock mower. Any mods done to this? Governor intact? Lots of things can come into play.
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Doc Sprocket
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V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side   V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side - Page 3 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 7:01 pm

TroyBilt Pony wrote:
Squirting oil into the cylinder has about a 2% of chance of fixing your problem..
But it has about a 90% chance of diagnosing the problem, which is the point of the exercise. The oil in the cylinder trick is a check to see of the rings are at fault, as the oil will momentarily improve the compression reading IF the interface between the rings and cylinder wall are at fault.

Last edited by Doc Sprocket on October 18th 2013, 7:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side   V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side - Page 3 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 7:25 pm

i always do a squirt of oil if my compression is low... like doc said. its not supposed to FIX, its supposed to help DIAGNOSE the problem. thats how i figured out my quad needed a top end rebuild
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PostSubject: Re: V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side   V-Twin Briggs exhaust glowing red on one side - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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