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 17.5 B&S Intek Good Or Not?

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17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Empty
PostSubject: 17.5 B&S Intek Good Or Not?   17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Icon_minitimeAugust 15th 2013, 8:38 pm

Thought id see what your guy's opinion is on the B&S intek motors I got a 17.5 its a 2001 single cyl intek turbo cooled I/c
I seen on some forums ppl saying they were junk engines. But I thought id ask you's what you thought about them.
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Craftsman Dude
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17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 17.5 B&S Intek Good Or Not?   17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Icon_minitimeAugust 15th 2013, 9:30 pm

Ive heard they had a problem with head gaskets and cams.
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17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 17.5 B&S Intek Good Or Not?   17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Icon_minitimeAugust 15th 2013, 9:39 pm

i have one from a pony. 17.5 hp intek. never had an issue with it
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17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 17.5 B&S Intek Good Or Not?   17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2013, 10:12 am

I pulled the head off mine to check the head gasket expecting it to be bad but it was good I replaced with a new one anyways but other then the ohv it looks the same layout as a briggs flat head.
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Doc Sprocket
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17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 17.5 B&S Intek Good Or Not?   17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2013, 4:38 pm

gearheadmike wrote:
other then the ohv it looks the same layout as a briggs flat head.
You'll likely find the exhaust exits on the opposite side of the engine, too. When I swapped out the flatty on the MULE to an OHV, I had to re-do the exhaust, the other way 'round.
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17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 17.5 B&S Intek Good Or Not?   17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2013, 4:48 pm

yeah im not worried abt the exhaust, I plan on putting it on my craftsman II I just got after the 12.5 hp tecumseh s**t the bed lol.  I think the intek gets a bad name do to the 20hp+ v-twin engines those I herd were absolute junk lol.
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17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 17.5 B&S Intek Good Or Not?   17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Icon_minitimeAugust 23rd 2013, 6:23 pm

17/17.5hp ohv b&s s have issues with head gaskets blowing early because of insufficient clamping area. The wall that seats against the head is very thin, and if the head or block is even slightly warped, it will create a high spot where clamping is reduced causing it to blow. Insufficient head bolt torque makes them blow too. Hard to suggest a solution if youre having problems... There must be a stronger aftermarket gasket by now. If yours runs well and has compression leave it :p
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17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 17.5 B&S Intek Good Or Not?   17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Icon_minitimeAugust 24th 2013, 8:33 pm

yea I pulled my head for inspection and the gasket was all good but I put a new one back on it and torqued it to specs. Ill know how well it runs soon enough as Im using it on my craftsman racer. I just have to be careful as the throttle is hooked direct and no gov lol
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17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 17.5 B&S Intek Good Or Not?   17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Icon_minitimeAugust 27th 2013, 2:40 pm

Lol just make sure you dont blow a shift xD you should definitely toss up a pic here of how your throttle is attached. Ive made a few no gov setups but Im always curious how another creative mind would tackle the job.
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17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 17.5 B&S Intek Good Or Not?   17.5 B&S Intek  Good Or Not? Icon_minitime

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17.5 B&S Intek Good Or Not?
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