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 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies

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Age : 24
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15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Empty
PostSubject: 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies   15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2013, 10:24 am

I just got a used 15 horse Briggs and installed in my tractor then I ran it and it ran for a few seconds then died does anyone have any ideas on how to fix that
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Doc Sprocket
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15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies   15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2013, 10:36 am

We sure do, and there's a few possibilities that come to mind

Does your carb have the anti-afterfire solenoid? Look for a little battery-sized electrical gizmo sticking straight down from the bottom of your carburetor with an electrical connection on it. You'll need to feed that 12v in order to allow fuel delivery to continue. Often, this gets overlooked on engine swaps.

If that ain't it, there's a pretty good chance that your carb is clogged up with old gummy fuel or debris. This will require disassembly and cleaning.
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Age : 24
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15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies   15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2013, 11:01 am

I tried to run it 1 with the connection unplugged cause I dint now what it was but now it is plugged in would I still have to clean it
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Age : 24
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15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies   15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2013, 11:03 am

Does that have to be feed 12v continuesly While the motor is running ?
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Doc Sprocket
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15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies   15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2013, 12:25 pm

You bet! But here's a tip- If you don't want to bother with it, remove it. Cut or saw the tip of the needle off, flush with the threaded collar. Reinstall it, and you never have to concern yourself with it again. This annoying little component is just another "pollution control" device, dreamed up to assuage the EPA gods.
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Age : 24
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15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies   15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2013, 12:39 pm

If I leave it on it quickly kill my batterie and would I just be able to plug it in straight on to the battery
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Age : 24
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15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies   15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2013, 12:46 pm

Sorry I ment will it quickly kill my batterie
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Doc Sprocket
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15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies   15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2013, 2:01 pm

The solenoid draws very little current and won't kill your battery in short order. That said- does your charging system not work?

By the way- if you look at the top right hand corner of your post, you will see a red "EDIT" button. If you goof up or want to add something to your post, use it.
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Age : 24
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Location : Haileybury, ONT

15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies   15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2013, 2:25 pm

I dint set up my charging system yet but I will do that thanks
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15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies   15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Icon_minitimeSeptember 3rd 2013, 10:23 pm

if it is still dying after you get everything hooked up and squared away, you'll have to tear it down and clean it good
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Age : 24
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Location : Haileybury, ONT

15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies   15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Icon_minitimeSeptember 4th 2013, 9:02 pm

K thanks
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15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies   15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies Icon_minitime

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15 horse Briggs starts then within a few seconds dies
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