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 8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies

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8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Empty
PostSubject: 8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies   8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Icon_minitimeSeptember 15th 2013, 6:02 pm

Ok, so yet again, I've got a busted engine.

It's a 2006 Briggs&Stratton 8.5hp OHV mounted on a Craftsman snow blower.
It starts first pull, and runs ok for a bit. Then after about a minute, it starts surging, and then after another minute, it stalls.
What I did is rebuild the carb, to no effect.

Now the interesting thing is, if I hold the governor at a fixed throttle with my hand, it will run super smooth, and forever.

The troublesome thing it, the carburetor has no adjustment screws, and it has a fixed throttle.

Thanks for any help!
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8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies   8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Icon_minitimeSeptember 15th 2013, 6:14 pm

This is why non adjustable carbs suck arse.... just put a zip-tie on it.. lol
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8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies   8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Icon_minitimeSeptember 15th 2013, 6:15 pm

Ho yah totally. It seems to be just a little lean, but there's no way to adjust it. :-/
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Doc Sprocket
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8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies   8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Icon_minitimeSeptember 18th 2013, 8:13 am

There's a few things that come to mind. Governor adjustment, partial clog (still) in carb, Bad sels or O-ring or something in carb, Carb vent or fuel cap vent blocked.
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8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies   8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Icon_minitimeSeptember 19th 2013, 8:26 am

The thing is, it runs perfect if you hold the governor at a fixed throttle...
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8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies   8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Icon_minitimeSeptember 19th 2013, 1:56 pm

ok check and make sure the valves dont need adjusting
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8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies   8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Icon_minitimeSeptember 19th 2013, 2:36 pm

As in timed properly?
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8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies   8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies Icon_minitime

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8.5 hp Briggs Snoblower Surges then Dies
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