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 Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?

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Doc Sprocket
richie thomas
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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?   Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitimeSeptember 21st 2013, 5:10 pm

I have a modified off road lt4000. Will it hurt if I'm running it with the stock muffler under water ?
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richie thomas
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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?   Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitimeSeptember 21st 2013, 5:17 pm

jakethetractorguy wrote:
I have a modified off road lt4000. Will it hurt if I'm running it with the stock muffler under water ?
no it wont hurt it, it might be better than a straight pipe because the water has more to go through to get to the block lol
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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?   Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitimeSeptember 21st 2013, 5:37 pm

Wait you have a craftsman lt4000? I have one too. They are boss!cheers
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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Ok good now I'll take er in some deep water    Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitimeSeptember 21st 2013, 5:57 pm

I'll post it in the form once I got some pics
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Doc Sprocket
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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?   Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitimeSeptember 21st 2013, 6:09 pm

jakethetractorguy wrote:
I have a modified off road lt4000. Will it hurt if I'm running it with the stock muffler under water ?
Generally, no. Sorta. It's not really what I would call "adviseable", but will probably be okay. Small chance that if the engine were to stall, it could take on some water.
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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?   Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitimeSeptember 21st 2013, 7:58 pm

I usually just make stacks
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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?   Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitimeSeptember 21st 2013, 9:18 pm

the amount of air the motor is putting out ahould keep it from letting any water in but Iwould make it to where it is above water just incase she dies on ya while you are in the water.
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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?   Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitimeSeptember 22nd 2013, 9:44 am

Thecrazyoldcraftman wrote:
the amount of air the motor is putting out ahould keep it from letting any water in but Iwould make it to where it is above water just incase she dies on ya while you are in the water.
Yeah plus one on that, but if the motors running its not gonna go in the engine. Stacks are kinda like insurance that you don't get any in the engine. Plus they make your mower sound cool.
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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?   Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitimeSeptember 22nd 2013, 9:48 am

i took the exhaust on mine and took the pipe out of the muffler than flipped the exhaust upside down so it pointed up. and bought a new racing muffler that fit for that purpose. i should add a flap to keep rain out but i cant find a place close to me that sells one
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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?   Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2014, 5:52 am

As long as it points down water wont be able to get into it if its off unless you tip it on one side. If its one of those canister types that come right out of the exhaust port it might give you a hard time because its level with the exahust port.
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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?   Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2014, 9:55 am

Gotta plus one the stacks
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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?   Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2014, 10:22 am

For future reference, please put what the question is about in the title, not "HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Thanks.

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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?   Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything? Icon_minitime

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Will running a stock exhaust under water hurt anything?
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