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 DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start

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DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Empty
PostSubject: DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start   DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Icon_minitimeOctober 6th 2013, 4:10 pm

Ok so i hope this is a good place to put this topic.
I have been using for the past 3 months or more been pull starting my big bore engines with electric start and no pull start. This modification should be do-able for any engine with a metal shroud (my kohler won't work) so its not just briggs that this should work.

Over this time of pull starting them i kept breaking ropes. I have no idea why, i even used some super strong rope. So after thinking about what to do ( definitely not buying a battery lol) I realized why not do a recoiling one. I searched for the ones off snapper mowers and they are like 50 dollars for a used on. So what i did was buy a gx270 pull start off ebay for 13 dollars.

Here is what i got-

Now i had a old honda generator that didn't have a pull start on it but it did have the pull start cup. So i didn't have to buy one of those.

I proceded to put the cup on the fly wheel. If you do that you will notice the cup makes it sit up to high. So you have to cut it down, and make new grooves for the pull start.

DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start 1391525_650909964940774_940115925_n_zps2252148c

I did that with a grinder, it was easy. You may have to cut your down more than mine so. After that it would sit on there like this

DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start 1186063_650450071653430_619042141_n_zps28a0a1c0

Now your gonna have to drill new holes for it. I drilled 6 holes in the shroud, with the pull start sitting down on it, and the fly wheel cup cut down it is centered. After that i bought 6 bolts ( I think 1/4in) And nyolock nuts from tractor supply.
DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start 1379914_650909551607482_1916354321_n_zps69fff1d6
Thats with the stock paint

DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start 1378838_650909611607476_252382336_n_zps83e60693
Thats with it painted.
Now i didn't think of this first, so i'm not claiming I invented this. You can go see videos on youtube from this guy that did his. I'll make a video of me using it tomorrow.
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start   DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Icon_minitimeOctober 6th 2013, 7:19 pm

Well done.
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PostSubject: Re: DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start   DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2013, 9:11 am

thats a really cool mod! i dont think i could bring meself do drill 6 holes in my tecumseh shroud though.... besides, mine has a built in pullstarter, as its a starter gen setup. should the electrical fail (just like it did last winter) i just pop the belt off, wrap my rope around where the belt would go, and yank it. it just dosent recoil
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Doc Sprocket
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DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Empty
PostSubject: Re: DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start   DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2013, 10:41 am

If you don't have a battery or charging system, it's a good idea. I did the old "Bolt-a-pulley-to-the-flywheel" trick in case I kill my battery winching or something. As an emergency backup, I don't mind the fact that I'm manually wrapping the rope. Hell- I've only used it once since installing it.
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DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Empty
PostSubject: Re: DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start   DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2013, 10:57 am

Well the real reason I went over to this is because I kept breaking ropes. I think they got tore up on the notch. If you have to pull start on every time like I do the recoil is a good idea.
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DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Empty
PostSubject: Re: DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start   DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2013, 8:50 pm

I would think about doing one of these manual start things, but I rarely ride alone. With our bumpers, we just use our tractors to push start each other if the battery decides to die.

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2014 Build-Off Entrant
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DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Empty
PostSubject: Re: DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start   DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2013, 1:30 am

nice this is sorta how i mounted the pully on my flywheel for the supercharger i did a cup like that one welded to a pully and bolted back on the engine but crappy welder dosent help lol i think this was a good idea tho i might try this on my grass cutter it has a 12.5hp with a crummy starter.
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
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DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Empty
PostSubject: Re: DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start   DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2013, 9:43 am

Jay_Rod wrote:
nice this is sorta how i mounted the pully on my flywheel for the supercharger i did a cup like that one welded to a pully and bolted back on the engine but crappy welder dosent help lol i think this was a good idea tho i might try this on my grass cutter it has a 12.5hp with a crummy starter.
For the price its cheaper than a new starter and a new battery. Unless your up north where it gets super cold I think it would be a great idea
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PostSubject: Re: DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start   DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start Icon_minitime

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DIY Briggs and Stratton Recoiling Pulling Start
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