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 briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707

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PostSubject: briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707   briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707 Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2013, 10:17 pm

so today i went and started my 11hp and it had white smoke coming from the exhaust, it also made a quite squeal (not sure if that was the motor or the old belt slipping) so i check the engine oil for blow by only to find it had gotten moisture in it i'm not sure how much but it was a considerable amount, i found this wierd how i just changed the oil. it has never smoked before so i was wondering if it may have thinned the oil and allowed it to get between the rings and burn or if my rings are shot, it's never smoked before. i ran it yesterday and it never smoked once, but at that time there was no moisture in the oil, so should changing the oil fix my problem??
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TroyBilt Pony
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707   briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707 Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2013, 11:45 pm

If you are sure its water in your oil. Drain it immediately and flush the pan out with a little fresh oil. It usually takes 2 quarts to do my 12hp. I drain. Dump some in to flush out. Then fill to spec. White smoke indicates burning oil usually. If the oil change doesn't fix it.. then its time to diagnose. But I would start with the oil change and let us know. The squell is most like from your belt. Was it squally all the time or just when moving? Never heard a motor squell that didn't lock up fast.
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707   briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707 Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2013, 7:20 pm

While you're staring at a drain pan full of oil, take time to do twi things:
1)Look at it- Does it appear milky, foamy, or even look like a chocolate milkshake? That's water mixed in.
2)Sniff it. Smell like gasoline? It should not. If it does, it's gasoline-thinned.
3)Smear some between your fingers. Feel thin? TOO thin?

Water in the oil generally boils down to rain ingress through an opening, and/or condensation. Change the oil and store it more carefully. Gas in the oil indicated a carb issue. Your fuel inlet valve (operated by the float) is not sealing. Fix it before running again. When the inlet valve doesn't seal, fuel will continue to enter the carb even when the bowl is full. Excess fuel will drool through the manifold, past the intake valve, along the cylinder wall, past the rings, and into the crankcase. It can also find a path thru the head into the oil drainback holes, too. Adding itself to the crankcase raises the oil level to the point where it's overfull. It smokes like a bugger and instantly dilutes the oil. Bad, bad news.
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707   briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707 Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2013, 9:29 pm

it's not the carb i've had that happena couple times then i rebuilt the carb. the oil was milky and i believe it was my sprinklers getting in from the oil tube around the rubber piece at the bottom of the engine. but it was suprising that it smokes it's never smoked before, but then again it is a aluminum bore. if it's dead then i'ma just stick the 28ci in there with the iron bore
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707   briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707 Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2013, 9:34 pm

Okay- so... It smokes because the oil level is now too high from water ingress, or it smokes even WITH the proper oil level and the engine is now in dire need of a rebuild?
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Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707   briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707 Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2013, 9:52 pm

i already drained the oil, gotta pickup some more tomarrow, i think it may have been coming through the breather tube and burning oil. thanks for all the help guys! and if it does need a rebuild i'll probably run it til its dead.
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707   briggs and stratton 11hp model 258707 Icon_minitime

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