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 brigg 5 hp horizontal mods

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richie thomas
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PostSubject: brigg 5 hp horizontal mods   brigg 5 hp horizontal mods Icon_minitimeNovember 13th 2013, 5:10 am

so i have this motor for the mini chopper, and im going to mount a different carb on it so it isnt pulse jet, and so i can tune it better, and also so i donthave that awful tank on the side of it, but in doing so id have to make all new governer linkages, so i am going to remove the govenor, has anyone took it out of one of these motors? and is there anything else i could do to mod it?
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PostSubject: Re: brigg 5 hp horizontal mods   brigg 5 hp horizontal mods Icon_minitimeNovember 13th 2013, 8:36 am

You should be able to just take the side cover off and remove it. Then fill the hole with jb weld or put a bolt through it and then seal it up with jb weld.
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1997 Murray
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PostSubject: brigg 5 hp horizontal mods   brigg 5 hp horizontal mods Icon_minitimeNovember 13th 2013, 10:42 am

I have one of those that we had on a rototiller. I put snow tires on it where the tines went, and I made an intake manifold out of pipe and put on a ATV carb from a 230cc suzuki. I changed the engine pulley from a 2" to a 4", and it ran at atlest 6,000 rpm and probily went about 20 mph.
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PostSubject: Re: brigg 5 hp horizontal mods   brigg 5 hp horizontal mods Icon_minitimeNovember 13th 2013, 11:02 am

You have a tiller that goes 20mph? LOL
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1997 Murray
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PostSubject: Re: brigg 5 hp horizontal mods   brigg 5 hp horizontal mods Icon_minitimeNovember 13th 2013, 11:15 am

redlinemotorsportts wrote:
You have a tiller that goes 20mph? LOL
Yep, it has 1" axles, so I plan on making a homemade garden tractor out of it.
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PostSubject: Re: brigg 5 hp horizontal mods   brigg 5 hp horizontal mods Icon_minitime

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