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 How man cc is an 11hp engine?

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How man cc is an 11hp engine? Empty
PostSubject: How man cc is an 11hp engine?   How man cc is an 11hp engine? Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2010, 3:00 pm

i was wondering how man cc an 11hp engine is
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How man cc is an 11hp engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How man cc is an 11hp engine?   How man cc is an 11hp engine? Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2010, 8:50 pm

if its a briggs look at the first 2 numbers on the model number itll be either 25 or 28, this in the cubic inch multiply it by 15 i believe to get ccs so its 375 or 420 roughly
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How man cc is an 11hp engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How man cc is an 11hp engine?   How man cc is an 11hp engine? Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2010, 12:50 am

thanks for the information Exclamation
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How man cc is an 11hp engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How man cc is an 11hp engine?   How man cc is an 11hp engine? Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2010, 12:34 pm

theboredredneck wrote:
if its a briggs look at the first 2 numbers on the model number itll be either 25 or 28, this in the cubic inch multiply it by 15 i believe to get ccs so its 375 or 420 roughly

Yeah your rite, cause i know a 400 chevy engine is a 6.0 and if i muliply 400ci by 15 it's 6000cc

It's a good thing to know! Very Happy
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Age : 30
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How man cc is an 11hp engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How man cc is an 11hp engine?   How man cc is an 11hp engine? Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2010, 3:05 pm

yea and im glad i havnt forgot it lol
one night i wanted to know how big my 18hp briggs is so i did some looking gon google and found out that the first 2 numbers are the cubic inches then one inch is 2.5cm so 2.5x2.5x2.5=15.6ish
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How man cc is an 11hp engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How man cc is an 11hp engine?   How man cc is an 11hp engine? Icon_minitime

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How man cc is an 11hp engine?
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