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 Briggs and straton really hard to start

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PostSubject: Briggs and straton really hard to start    Briggs and straton really hard to start  Icon_minitimeFebruary 6th 2014, 10:28 am

I have a Briggs 16 hp 90s engine and when I get running every day it will start right up. But if I leve it it will not start Evan with tons of starting fluid and jumping it will evenchaly start but how can I get it start much faster.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs and straton really hard to start    Briggs and straton really hard to start  Icon_minitimeFebruary 6th 2014, 11:03 am

Cover the basics, spark plug, air filter, clean carb. Does it crank fast enough? What's the tempature there?
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Doc Sprocket
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs and straton really hard to start    Briggs and straton really hard to start  Icon_minitimeFebruary 6th 2014, 4:51 pm

I'm wondering about compression. Try this: Let is sit a few days or however long it takes that you KNOW it's gonna be a hairball to try and start. Take the spark plugs out and fog a good burst of WD40 in each cylinder. You can try squirting a couple shots of engine oil in there too. Crank the engine over a few times, put the plugs back in, and attempt to start it.

My buddy's got an old diesel tractor that's long overdue for a rebuild. If it sits too long, the cylinders lose their oil coating, and the compression drops to the point where it will not start. Period. The only way to get it to light is to get a small Arab country into each jug first...
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs and straton really hard to start    Briggs and straton really hard to start  Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2014, 2:50 am

Id definitely check the stuff the other guys said first, but it might also be a worn needle and seat. Maby its flooding it out when it sits for awhile. Does your gas level get significantly lower after it sits awhile? Also what type of oil are you using and how does it look... smell?
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs and straton really hard to start    Briggs and straton really hard to start  Icon_minitime

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