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 Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin.

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Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Empty
PostSubject: Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin.   Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2011, 4:12 pm

alright so i was doin some testing on the engine. jujst filled it up with gas and started it up. it was running great the first time then i killed it. when i tried to restart it it didnt want to start. it finally started but it was running real ruf. i tried to give it a little gas and it died instantly. seemed to be flooding cuz i could see a puddle of gad building up in the air intake and when i killed it gas was coming out of the exaust. anyone no whats wrong? it was running fine like 2 seconds before

Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Sam_0010
heres a pic looking down the air intake. the reflection is the gas built up in the bottom. haha wow my 12.2 megapixel camera i got for christmas makes it look really dirty

Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Sam_0011
and heres the gas coming out of the right exausht pipe(the gas is the darker pacman shape)

Last edited by noledroByrreK on January 15th 2011, 11:04 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin.   Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2011, 4:23 pm

Sounds liek a stuck float to me, were you running a fuel filter?
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Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin.   Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2011, 4:33 pm

its in the origonal spot
Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Photo025
can u see it down there

so i guess im gonna have to take the carb apart agin? ugh i got tired of doin that. lol
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Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin.   Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2011, 5:35 pm

probably needs a rebuild kit - not a cleaning. I know for my 17HP opposed briggs it was $20 for a new carb kit. The carb is over flowing - you might want to check the oil as well- if it thins the oil out, youre gonna blow the motor up.

Id add a new shut off valve to the fuel line before the filter- then you can change it easily.
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PostSubject: Re: Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin.   Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2011, 6:11 pm

Alright after a little whiles work i got the carb stripped down and chunk you were right. the pin holding the float had slid out of place so it was stuck. i replaced it with a thick paper clip that a bent the sides over to prevent it from ever sliding out.

dangeroustoys56 the carb definitely could use a rebuild kit but ill prolly do that sometime in the future because it runs prety decent now.

ill post pics in my build of the tear down rebuild if anyone interested
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Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin.   Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2011, 6:12 pm

dangeroustoys56 wrote:
probably needs a rebuild kit - not a cleaning. I know for my 17HP opposed briggs it was $20 for a new carb kit. The carb is over flowing - you might want to check the oil as well- if it thins the oil out, youre gonna blow the motor up.

Id add a new shut off valve to the fuel line before the filter- then you can change it easily.

what should i do to check the oil? i got a new oil filter and replaced oil

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Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin.   Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Icon_minitimeJanuary 16th 2011, 3:26 am

Youd smell the gas in the oil - ive had it happen a few times- plus it acts just like water, super thin - oh and also the oil level would be way higher.

Im just saying check it before running it to be sure - the thinned out oil will blow the motor up by not keeping the berings lubricated.
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Age : 30
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PostSubject: Re: Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin.   Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Icon_minitimeJanuary 16th 2011, 12:26 pm

alright thanks for the info. ill go check that out when it stops raining.
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Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin.   Please help me diagnose Engine trouble on a 18.5 hp v twin. Icon_minitime

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