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 Opposed twin cranks slow.

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Opposed twin cranks slow. Empty
PostSubject: Opposed twin cranks slow.   Opposed twin cranks slow. Icon_minitimeMay 23rd 2014, 11:33 pm

I have searched the internet all over for a solution to a problem that seems to be quite common for some reason and I haven't found one... I have a horizontal shaft oppy that I really want to save, because from what I understand the horizontal shaft is somewhat rare. My engine always cranked at an ample speed to start the engine. I had a problem with water in my engine so I pulled the heads and took care of that. I put the engine back together and it fired right up. I let the thing sit for a couple weeks while I wired the engine and took care of some flat tires. I tried to start it and it cranks real slow. I jumped it to the starter... still slow. I took apart the starter and greased it, still cranks slow. From what I understand the valves can't really be adjusted unless you grind them down and that usually messes up the engine even more. I don't know what I can do to this thing to get this right, I was so absolutely frustrated with this engine that I took a few weeks break and I am ready to work on it again. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks...
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Opposed twin cranks slow. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin cranks slow.   Opposed twin cranks slow. Icon_minitimeMay 24th 2014, 7:58 am

What oil or how old oil? or bad battery?
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Opposed twin cranks slow. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin cranks slow.   Opposed twin cranks slow. Icon_minitimeMay 24th 2014, 8:54 am

As for the oil, BRAND NEW (0 hours) 2 pints 10w-30 and 1 pint of marvel mystery oil. I think it might be overfilled though. As for the battery it was jumped off a running car.
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Doc Sprocket
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Opposed twin cranks slow. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin cranks slow.   Opposed twin cranks slow. Icon_minitimeMay 24th 2014, 9:08 am

First (and I learned this the hard, frustrating way) take all other loads off the engine. A screwed up transmission or bad clutch can cause enough drag to cause the engine to spin slowly.

Make sure your electrical grounds are good. Especially the one going from battery negative to frame. Take it off the frame, sand any rust or paint off both the eyelet and the spot it bolts to, and bolt it down again.

As for valve lash adjustment-

You're half right. To adjust valve lash, you're filing/grinding. Doing it right and to spec does NOT "mess up the engine even more". Dunno who told you that, but the factory service manual certainly would not advise you to do something that would screw it up!

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Opposed twin cranks slow. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin cranks slow.   Opposed twin cranks slow. Icon_minitimeMay 24th 2014, 10:03 am

I'll take the drive belt completely off and redo my ground. Be back in a bit to let you know how it goes...
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Opposed twin cranks slow. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin cranks slow.   Opposed twin cranks slow. Icon_minitimeMay 24th 2014, 1:54 pm

I think I need a new starter.... Smoke was pouring out of the back of the it. Lol. Do you guys think this 30 dollar amazon starter would work ( ) or should I buy a genuine. Briggs and Stratton one?
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Doc Sprocket
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Opposed twin cranks slow. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin cranks slow.   Opposed twin cranks slow. Icon_minitimeMay 25th 2014, 8:55 am

Ahh, that one oughta do.
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nathan wilson
nathan wilson

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Opposed twin cranks slow. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin cranks slow.   Opposed twin cranks slow. Icon_minitimeMay 25th 2014, 11:05 pm

TokyoDrift99 wrote:
I think I need a new starter.... Smoke was pouring out of the back of the it. Lol. Do you guys think this 30 dollar amazon starter would work ( ) or should I buy a genuine. Briggs and Stratton one?
that's the one that I bought for my tractor... ive gone through 3 starter gears since, but everything else is still in perfect condition. the gear problem is common among oppy twins. I tried my best to find a steel starter gear that was 16 tooth, from what I made out, briggs doesn't even make those anymore.... scratch but, over all, I was going to say starter. I went through 2 old starters with this tractor, and they both were frustrating as hell. to get to them I have to take the entire front end off of the tractor, take all of the shrouds off, get that annoying bugger of a bolt out from under the flywheel, and change the starter gear, and/or the starter. mind you, I had to do this about once a month... Opposed twin cranks slow. 2429134702 
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Opposed twin cranks slow. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin cranks slow.   Opposed twin cranks slow. Icon_minitimeMay 26th 2014, 12:17 am

nathan wilson wrote:
TokyoDrift99 wrote:
I think I need a new starter.... Smoke was pouring out of the back of the it. Lol. Do you guys think this 30 dollar amazon starter would work ( ) or should I buy a genuine. Briggs and Stratton one?
that's the one that I bought for my tractor... ive gone through 3 starter gears since, but everything else is still in perfect condition. the gear problem is common among oppy twins.  I tried my best to find a steel starter gear that was 16 tooth, from what I made out, briggs doesn't even make those anymore.... scratch but, over all, I was going to say starter. I went through 2 old starters with this tractor, and they both were frustrating as hell.  to get to them I have to take the entire front end off of the tractor, take all of the shrouds off, get that annoying bugger of a bolt out from under the flywheel, and change the starter gear, and/or the starter.  mind you, I had to do this about once a month... Opposed twin cranks slow. 2429134702 
DON'T even get me started with putting that starter on.  It took me and my dad about 45 minutes to get the bolt started that is further in towards the flywheel. I contemplated pulling the flywheel and replacing it that way, but I don't have a puller.
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nathan wilson
nathan wilson

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Opposed twin cranks slow. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin cranks slow.   Opposed twin cranks slow. Icon_minitimeMay 26th 2014, 11:55 am

TokyoDrift99 wrote:
nathan wilson wrote:
TokyoDrift99 wrote:
I think I need a new starter.... Smoke was pouring out of the back of the it. Lol. Do you guys think this 30 dollar amazon starter would work ( ) or should I buy a genuine. Briggs and Stratton one?
that's the one that I bought for my tractor... ive gone through 3 starter gears since, but everything else is still in perfect condition. the gear problem is common among oppy twins.  I tried my best to find a steel starter gear that was 16 tooth, from what I made out, briggs doesn't even make those anymore.... scratch but, over all, I was going to say starter. I went through 2 old starters with this tractor, and they both were frustrating as hell.  to get to them I have to take the entire front end off of the tractor, take all of the shrouds off, get that annoying bugger of a bolt out from under the flywheel, and change the starter gear, and/or the starter.  mind you, I had to do this about once a month... Opposed twin cranks slow. 2429134702 
DON'T even get me started with putting that starter on.  It took me and my dad about 45 minutes to get the bolt started that is further in towards the flywheel. I contemplated pulling the flywheel and replacing it that way, but I don't have a puller.
oh yeah, I didn't realize we were the same age. yeah, I prefer to take a half inch end wrench and get it in there, and turn by turn, I get it off. lately when the gear strips I just loosen the inside and remove the outside bolt, then undo the c-clip then just get the old gear off, then, to put the new one on, I put it on the cog, and turn the flywheel to screw the gear onto the cog, then just reverse. just a helpful hint, with those any little tip will help.  Opposed twin cranks slow. 1222323911 
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Age : 24
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Opposed twin cranks slow. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin cranks slow.   Opposed twin cranks slow. Icon_minitimeMay 26th 2014, 12:26 pm

nathan wilson wrote:
oh yeah, I didn't realize we were the same age.  yeah, I prefer to take a half inch end wrench and get it in there, and turn by turn, I get it off.  lately when the gear strips I just loosen the inside and remove the outside bolt, then undo the c-clip then just get the old gear off, then, to put the new one on, I put it on the cog, and turn the flywheel to screw the gear onto the cog, then just reverse.  just a helpful hint, with those any little tip will help.  Opposed twin cranks slow. 1222323911 
Cool, I never noticed we were the same age. Thanks for the tip but I have to remove the engine to take the flywheel shroud off, because I have a horizontal shaft.
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Opposed twin cranks slow. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opposed twin cranks slow.   Opposed twin cranks slow. Icon_minitime

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