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 nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...

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nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Empty
PostSubject: nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...   nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Icon_minitimeJuly 13th 2014, 5:16 pm

he was gonna pitch it so I said I'd take it. Another project, Oh boy! Gonna look for a two smoke engine with clutch or small 3.5-5hp Briggs horiz for it. How can I rig up brakes on this thing? It has the jackshaft which is a pulley on one end and a sprocket for the chain/axle on the other end. Might need to swap the pulley for a sprocket if I run a kart clutch on the engine. The PO had a hunk of 4x4 lumber hanging off the back that the engine was bolted to at one point. Neighbor said its been in his barn out back for 25+ yrs!!! Steering wheel is a washing machine pulley! LOL
nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... IMG_20140713_163824_791_zpstjb9t2kh
nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... IMG_20140713_163836_609_zpstxc5nkut
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nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Empty
PostSubject: Re: nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...   nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Icon_minitimeJuly 13th 2014, 5:17 pm

tires are hard rubber compound not pneumatic and this thing has zerks everywhere!  steering, axle, jackshaft, pulley, hubs, wow!
jackshaft sprocket is 11 tooth and the pulley is 5" OD. that tensioner was for a belt setup that was actuated by the rod that travels up front to a pedal on the left.
nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... IMG_20140713_171954_889_zpsyxn9jgir
nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... IMG_20140713_172051_160_zpsdxtwjb9t
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nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Empty
PostSubject: Re: nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...   nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Icon_minitimeJuly 13th 2014, 5:56 pm

Looks like a huffy mini mower! Most of the mini mowers were made from the same company i imagine, because my mini mower chassis is pretty close, if not the same dimensions as huffys, and mine was branded Springfield.
nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... 11872010
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...   nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Icon_minitimeJuly 13th 2014, 6:12 pm

Cool! Mount a brake rotor (disc/caliper) on the axleshaft, or a drum for a band brake.
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nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Empty
PostSubject: Re: nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...   nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Icon_minitimeJuly 13th 2014, 8:27 pm

Hey can you snap a picture of that ID tag under the seat?  

I agree with red. That looks identical to a Huffy mini frame.  That is a nifty jack-shaft setup!
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2016 Build-Off Entrant
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nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Empty
PostSubject: Re: nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...   nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Icon_minitimeJuly 14th 2014, 12:00 pm

Hey can you snap a picture of that ID tag under the seat?  

I agree with red. That looks identical to a Huffy mini frame.  That is a nifty jack-shaft setup!
its not an ID tag, it's lubrication instructions
Thanks for the ID fellas. Need to find a side shaft engine now. Looked at a Tec 2-smoke from a snowblower but they mount sideways and I think making a bottom engine mount would be a PITA...
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nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Empty
PostSubject: Re: nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...   nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2014, 9:49 pm

found a painted over decal on the ass end that says "model 5025" to google that.
Some Chachi from Craigslist supposedly is bringing me a 5hp Briggs off a snow thrower for $30 on Thursday. Says it runs good. Had e-start and recoil. Says its a 5/8" keyed shaft so clutching should be simple. Anything ideas for making it have a throttle instead of a set speed?
I will be losing the "steering wheel" and replacing it with an ATV steering stem and clamps and motorcycle handlebars with throttle and kill switch. It would also appear I'll be setting up a 4" drum and band brake on the rear left wheel outside of the frame rail. Should be able to throw this thing together for short $$$ if all goes as planned. Looks like I'll be placing an order with BMI or mfgsupply for an engine mount plate, brake stuff, and a clutch at the minimum right now. Anywhere else I should look for that stuff? Their prices seem pretty good to me.
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nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Empty
PostSubject: Re: nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...   nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Icon_minitimeSeptember 16th 2015, 10:04 pm

it's done
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nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Empty
PostSubject: Re: nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...   nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Icon_minitimeSeptember 16th 2015, 10:32 pm

The mini I had was a Suburbanite. Pretty much the same frame. I think various companys made them over the years. I remember a 4 digit model number on mine too but I forget what it was. Looks good though.
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nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Empty
PostSubject: Re: nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...   nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Icon_minitimeSeptember 19th 2015, 10:04 am

nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... KIMG0266_zpsfphkjqe7
nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... KIMG0267_zpsqmglrjvk
nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... KIMG0268_zps3a132yzr
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nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Empty
PostSubject: Re: nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...   nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Icon_minitimeSeptember 19th 2015, 10:06 am

nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... KIMG0319_zpsdloqadzg
nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... KIMG0264_zpsjqtsotbi
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PostSubject: Re: nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor...   nabbed a free mower/kart chassis from a neighbor... Icon_minitime

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