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 convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside)

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convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Empty
PostSubject: convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside)   convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Icon_minitimeJuly 17th 2014, 6:39 pm

as you probably know, these are setup to run wide open. I need to switch that to throttle cable controlled instead for my kart project. What is the way to go about this??? Question 
convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) IMG_20140717_175645_766_zpsioh3yodr
convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) IMG_20140717_175635_592_zpszbdfbsuh
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convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Empty
PostSubject: Re: convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside)   convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Icon_minitimeJuly 17th 2014, 7:01 pm

im probably wrong, but it seems to me that you could just put a cable in the other hole of the throttle butterfly
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convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Empty
PostSubject: Re: convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside)   convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2014, 4:13 am

Thats is u want to bypass the Gov. I would find a way to locate your throttle on the gov to pull it. If u want to bypass it that would be fine just hooking up to other hole in the butterfly
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Doc Sprocket
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convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Empty
PostSubject: Re: convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside)   convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2014, 6:19 am

IMO the best way to do this, is to open up the engine, remove the governor guts, and then tie into the carb directly. Simply bypassing the governor can be a risky proposition.
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convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Empty
PostSubject: Re: convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside)   convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2014, 9:31 am

Why would opening up and removing the governor be helpful? Should I just sell this engine and get a Predator? I don't get why this is so hard, no one has ran a snow blower engine on a kart before???
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convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Empty
PostSubject: Re: convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside)   convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2014, 9:33 am

Marines2621 wrote:
Thats is u want to bypass the Gov. I would find a way to locate your throttle on the gov to pull it. If u want to bypass it that would be fine just hooking up to other hole in the butterfly
I DO NOT want to override the governor, please expand on your idea for me!
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Doc Sprocket
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convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Empty
PostSubject: Re: convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside)   convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2014, 10:37 pm

dwcopple wrote:
Why would opening up and removing the governor be helpful?  Should I just sell this engine and get a Predator?  I don't get why this is so hard, no one has ran a snow blower engine on a kart before???

Opening up the engine and removing the governor is a good idea, because- overriding (bypassing) the governor and overrevving it, CAN cause the internal governor components to let loose, and there's a very real potential for engine damage.

My main (and favorite) long time go kart engine was from a snowblower.

Your call on the Predator.

I think you should read this:
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convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Empty
PostSubject: Re: convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside)   convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Icon_minitimeJuly 19th 2014, 8:33 am

well now, I am thinking I might run a Chinese PZ20 carb on here after seeing it done successfully on They are $17 shipped. I am gonna be running handlebars and twist grip anyways so I probably am gonna go that route. I hate to give up on a working stock setup though so quickly. I can't believe no one knows how to make a variable throttle out of this and keep the governor intact though Sad
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Doc Sprocket
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convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Empty
PostSubject: Re: convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside)   convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Icon_minitimeJuly 19th 2014, 10:51 am

It's not so much that "nobody knows how", more like "not worth the effort to try to engineer". If you feel THAT strongly about it, the best way to go about it, is to identify a similar engine from a piece of equipment that used a operator-adjustable throttle. With OEM parts, it's a bolt-on affair.

Governors are a balancing act. Spring tension vs centrifugal force. This is NOT something where we can just say "oh, hook this to this and you're off". Get it wrong (which is MUCH easier to do that getting it right), sh*t blows up. If you wish to experiment on your engine and jury rig a governor linkage that may work well, may work erratically, or may scatter engine parts everywhere, be my guest. Study OEM governor linkages, and your mission should become clear.

What I don't get, it that you lament about how you want to leave the governor intact and work with what you have, and yet are so quick to examine the possibility of putting a carb on that can not POSSIBLY use the factory mechanical governor- so you're opening it up and yanking the guts anyway!

Did you read the article I linked you to?

In order to run that aftermarket carb, you'll need to buy or fabricate a manifold adapter, remove your governor, and quite possibly dedicate a lot of time and effort to carb tuning.
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PostSubject: Re: convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside)   convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside) Icon_minitime

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convert Briggs snow blower 5hp to kart engine throttle help (pics inside)
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