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 18hp cant get gas !

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murrey and me
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murrey and me
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18hp cant get gas ! Empty
PostSubject: 18hp cant get gas !   18hp cant get gas ! Icon_minitimeAugust 3rd 2014, 11:38 am

i haev a 18hp and i cant get it to run from the tank its on a widebody so the gas tank is lower than the engine what r some ideas on how to get it to work?

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2014 Build-Off Entrant
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18hp cant get gas ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 18hp cant get gas !   18hp cant get gas ! Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2014, 12:55 am

murrey and me wrote:
i haev a 18hp and i cant get it to run from the tank its on a widebody so the gas tank is lower than the engine what r some ideas on how to get it to work?

Is it a opposed twin? They have fuel pumps, so if you have one, the diaphram is clogged up and needs to be replaced or cleaned, its the plate on the carb outside with 3-4 screws, be careful, little springs behind it.

If it isnt a twin with a fuel pump, you can buy a universal pump and use the valve covor pressure.
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
2014 Build-Off Entrant

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18hp cant get gas ! Empty
PostSubject: 18hp cant get gas !   18hp cant get gas ! Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2014, 12:58 am

You could possibly relocate your fuel tank so that it is higher than you carburetor.
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18hp cant get gas ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 18hp cant get gas !   18hp cant get gas ! Icon_minitime

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18hp cant get gas !
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