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 Complete re wiring for my beast

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Complete re wiring for my beast Empty
PostSubject: Complete re wiring for my beast   Complete re wiring for my beast Icon_minitimeDecember 22nd 2014, 10:36 pm

I have a toro wheel horse 264-6 with the peerless rear end and the wiring is a nightmare as the people who owned it before me messed it all up. I wanted to know how I could just wire it for starting it re charging the battery, and running my headlights. I am not very good with electrical stuff thats why I am asking here for help from people who do this kind of stuff often. Right now half of the saftey switches are bad and keep the engine from starting, instead of bypassing them I would rather re do it all, so I don't have to deal with a big mess of wires and I know what goes where.
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Complete re wiring for my beast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Complete re wiring for my beast   Complete re wiring for my beast Icon_minitimeDecember 23rd 2014, 9:25 am

I moved your post to the correct section of the forum... As to an answer to your question, this has been covered countless times in here. Browse this section and your will undoubtedly find your answers.

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Complete re wiring for my beast
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