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 Look at these engines tecumseh and B&S

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PostSubject: Look at these engines tecumseh and B&S    Look at these engines tecumseh and B&S  Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2011, 11:28 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Look at these engines tecumseh and B&S    Look at these engines tecumseh and B&S  Icon_minitimeApril 17th 2011, 4:11 pm

Ive run both a teccy and a briggs with no oil- the briggs was by accident tho- i ran it like 5 mins with no oil , after 3 days of loading the combustion chamber with PB blaster it freed up enough to run normal again.

The teccy was on a push mower- place i bot years ago the owner left it- i spent some time cleaning it, a full tune up, oil change, blade sharpening , added a fuel filter. The thing ran before i did all that, once i changed everything do you think it would start? I tried for a whole damn hour to start it- so i dumped the new oil out re added the old crappy oil , put the old plug in , took the filter out- and thing started right up- i ran it off and on for like 3 years like that- never checked the oil or nothin.

I let it go with the house- it was starting to knock a lil louder - i was hoping to blow it up tho.
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