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 Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs?

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Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs?   Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2011 12:42 pm

Hi i have one of those briggs 11hp syncro ballanced engine for my mudder. now considering i do over rev it sometimes while riding, do you think i should take the counter weights off? i always see those engines blown. not even really blown but typically the weights break and bust a hole in the crank case. how would it run with out them? would it be bad for the engine? or do you think the motors that i get blown are blown just from abuse?

btw whats the most reiliable strong engine ideal for a mudder? that yes would get over revved sometimes. i just want somthing that will last. im going out in the woods with a friend with mine and im afraid of it blowing up and bieng stranded.

im also entering a off road race thats 4 miles long! so what engine? if not what do i do to my engine to make it better?
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Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs?   Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2011 3:38 pm

Over revving a lawntractor can result in the flywheel exploding - cast flywheels arent designed for over 3800 RPM's - i had some pics once of a cast flywheel that exploded - the guy standing next to it nearly lost his leg, the chassis of the tractor was cut nearly in two and it lodged into a steel beam in a barn nearby.

Id suggest a bigger motor properly race prepped to handle higher RPM's- that includes a billet flywheel - itll cost some money, but its better then a trip to the ER.
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Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Empty
PostSubject: hi   Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2011 8:38 pm

ive already got a racing flywheel.

its the syncro ballancer i want out. its in the crank case. not the one on the crank but on theshaft
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Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs?   Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2011 10:03 pm

i dont think you cant take that off. im not cetain tho... you could get a v-twin engine. i believe v-twins dont have the weight thingy because the 2 cylnders counteract each other so its already balenced
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Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs?   Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2011 11:09 pm

it is removable im just wondering if it will damage the engine from the excess vibrations with out it
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Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs?   Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 8:38 am

I removed the counter-weights from a 12.5 HP Briggs for grins and giggles. It vibrated something fierce. I was sure it would cause frame cracking-if I had been able to tolerate the shaking. Not sure about your engine, but I have a sneaking suspition....
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Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs?   Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 2:19 pm

Youd most likely need to have the crank/flywheel balanced if you pull the counter weights out - by the time you do all these mods, might make more sense to have a mod engine built .

I got my 80's wizard with the back of the motor folded back when the weights let loose - it was free , so im making a lowered 'go kart' from it.

Ive found the opposed twins make a ton more power then singles ( OHV) - my murray would go well over 30mph ( i never dared to find WOT/6th gear- too unstable) - that was with the governer hooked up. My 14.5OHV single was hardly making it go over 20mph.

Something about OHV motors just seem like they have no power, changing internals might wake em up but stock theyre weak.
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Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs?   Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 24, 2012 11:50 am

I am building a 10 and an 11 hp briggs rite now. They seem exactly the same but the 10 hp doesn't have the counter weights. I really wanted to try removing the weights from the 11hp myself too, mostly to get rid of the extra 15 lb over the front wheels. The 10 hp had seized the crank in the case, the piston still moved freely. Thought that was strange, never seen that before, you can see the video here All mu motors came to me seized and free.
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PostSubject: Re: Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs?   Can you remove Engine Counter Weights from a Briggs? Icon_minitime

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