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 22hp intek vtwin running rough

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22hp intek vtwin running rough Empty
PostSubject: 22hp intek vtwin running rough   22hp intek vtwin running rough Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2016, 6:29 pm

Still having issues with my vtwin.

Engine ran great a few weeks ago.
Then it randomly lost spark.
I found if I unhooked the kill wire from one coil both got spark back, so I ran the wires to a seperate toggle.

It may be unrelated but since then it has had a misfire of sorts. I pulled the plugs and found what appeared as though the cylinder was running rich and the other lean. I replaced plugs, and cleaned the carb. Seemed to run pretty good in the garage but out in the woods underload it runs like crap.

Pulled the plugs again same scenery
22hp intek vtwin running rough 69bc87a20dd9e6d2d77ae8e334894675

I cleaned plugs up and switched them side to side and unhooked kill wires from both coils to make sure they were not somehow back feeding each other and ran it, pulled plugs and same deal.

Anyone have any suggestions of what to try next? I haven't fully rebuilt the carburated becuase cheapest kit I've found was $50 and I don't want to spend it if it is another issue.

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PostSubject: Re: 22hp intek vtwin running rough   22hp intek vtwin running rough Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2016, 9:26 pm

Just a thought, If the cylinder that is running rich is the lower one, maybe the float level is a little too high and is dumping a little extra gas into the motor. Since a liquid will always fall downward, the extra gas will go to the lower cylinder. Just a thought, I could be wrong.
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PostSubject: Re: 22hp intek vtwin running rough   22hp intek vtwin running rough Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2016, 12:24 am

Your problem is more than likely either a clogged intake manifold or a sticking or an out of adjustment valve. The restriction in flow to that side will prevent both cylinders from getting equal air/fuel mixture thus causing one side to run rich and the other lean. And the coil issue sounds like one of your magnetos went bad so I would replace them both. Good luck!
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PostSubject: Re: 22hp intek vtwin running rough   22hp intek vtwin running rough Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2016, 5:40 pm

I swapped coils side to side and put in new plugs. Same thing as before with no change. So definitely getting more fuel to the "low" cylinder.

Don't have a compression tester so can't check that till.I get one. But pulled valve covers and everything appears ok.

Removed the carb again and tore it down as far as I could. I think one of the fuel tubes were clogged. Took some spraying to get the cleaner to come out the other side of hole.

Now I'm having issues finding a complete rebuild kit online.

One I did find doesn't match the numbers on my carb but looks the same as my parts.

But it was $75.

Can't find an identical newcarb either but I found one that looKS very close minus the bowl for $103

Quite frankly I'd rather spend $25 more for brand new than 75 for some gaskets.

Here is an eBay auction for one that looks identical to mine (notice the bowl)

This is the very similar carb I found. Will it work?

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PostSubject: Re: 22hp intek vtwin running rough   22hp intek vtwin running rough Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2016, 8:47 pm

Has the carb been removed? i have heard of people over tightening the bolts on the plastic manifold and causing it to suck in air and throw the mixture off in a cyl. long shot, but just what ive seen.
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PostSubject: Re: 22hp intek vtwin running rough   22hp intek vtwin running rough Icon_minitimeMarch 6th 2016, 10:43 am

Put a new carb on it.

When installing noticed the manifold didn't sit exactly flush so I doubled up in the gaskets.

New carb and it's like a new engine
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PostSubject: Re: 22hp intek vtwin running rough   22hp intek vtwin running rough Icon_minitime

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