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 Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up.

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Age : 30
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Location : DFW Texas

Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Empty
PostSubject: Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up.   Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2011, 6:43 pm

so i was watching fearlessfronts video on wiring and it made me want to do a decnt wiring job on my mower. The whole reason i ripped all the wiring out in the first place was because i tried to take out one of the saftey sensors and endded up screwing up the whole thing and i couldn't figure out this starter solenoid. was thinkin mabye yall knew how to make it work

Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Photo015
theres the starter solenoid it has 2 prongs instead of 1. how do i rig up a switch to that?

The only real wiring i have is really ghetto
Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Photo016
i have what i think is the charge wire going to the other side of the dash(red) .... yea im lucky i managed to have enuf room under the dash for the battery:) it was under the seat but when i lowered the back i didnt have room for it there

Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Photo017
then the charge wires goes into this bigger wire that is connected to the battery under the dash
Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Photo018

if i can figure out this solenoid it should be pretty easy to do push button star and a kill switch. maybe even throw a safety switch back on under the seat so it will die if i fall off and so i dont have to spark wires together to start it

Last edited by noledroByrreK on May 18th 2011, 9:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 30
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Location : DFW Texas

Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up.   Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2011, 9:31 pm

Alright so im pretty proud of myself i managed to get a kill switch rigged up with the help of fearlessfronts video. i used one of the old saftey switches and put one back under the seat so if i fall off the engine will die. im pretty happy with it to because before the thing would just keep goin without me, witch is bad. lol

heres a video

so i got the emergency switch done. when i figure out the starter solenoid im going to put in a push button starter and and flip kill switch both of witch will be mounted on the dash
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Age : 54
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Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up.   Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Icon_minitimeMay 19th 2011, 8:51 pm

the starter solenoid is easy the two big post one goes to starter wire the other one yo battery the two small post one is ground one is power from psh button. the shut off switch just follow fearlessfronts video
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Age : 30
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Location : DFW Texas

Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up.   Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Icon_minitimeMay 19th 2011, 9:56 pm

ah so one is a ground.. thanks

knew what the to 2 big ones was just confused me cuz in fearlesses video there was only one little post. i uess i will be goin to home depot tommorow to get a button and a switch

for the killswitch i will eaither run the ground wire to the same wire as the seat sensor or to a seperate ground spot. i guess 2 different ones is better incase one comes off
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Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up.   Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up. Icon_minitime

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Ive removed my wiring and I dont know how to wire it back up.
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