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 Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly)

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Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly) Empty
PostSubject: Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly)   Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly) Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2017, 11:24 am

I have a 16hp Briggs (40ci) horizontal opposed twin. Back in the spring, when it was in my grass cutter (early 80s Snapper LT16) it seized, I managed to break it loose, and about 30 seconds later it started knocking. Yesterday I opened it up to steal the crank timing gear out of it for my 18hp vertical for my offroader (GT3000 MUTT) and I found that the rod cap on the cylinder towards the tailshaft is extremely loose, as in I can turn the bolts with my fingers. So I'm contemplating completely disassembling this engine and checking out what the crank and rods look like (bores looked fine) The problem I'm running into is that 2 of the Phillips head bolts on the intake stripped out. What can I do to get them out? I'm debating on trying to cut a slot on them and trying to get them with a flathead, but what are your suggestions?
Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly) 16111814
Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly) 16111314
Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly) 16117610
Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly) 16117210

Last edited by RichieRichOverdrive on January 15th 2017, 5:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly)   Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly) Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2017, 4:06 pm

Take a punch and hit it with a hammer. That will help break it loose. It may also mushroom the head and your screw drive might take it out.

Something else to consider, a hand impact driver. Might be able to get one for $20... just try not to loose it. I lost mine. Curses.

If you have a big strait screw driver, you can slot the head and try that, but be sure to tap it with a hammer and spray some penetrating oil on it.

If you get it loose and it starts to get tight again, run it back in and out a few times. Apply penetrating oil before you run it back in.
You dont really want to break it off in the block. Atleast, I sure didnt.

Or better yet, you dont need those... just send them to me.
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Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly)   Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly) Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2017, 5:15 pm

It's funny now that as soon as I post this, I find a like #2134123 or however big phillips head screwdriver that with a lot of pressure and arm strength I can bust them all out. Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly) 2240318088 Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly) 2240318088 Guess this is now the thread on the teardown and possible rebuild of this engine lol! But thanks anyways for the reply man Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly)   Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly) Icon_minitime

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Briggs 16hp Opposed horizontal teardown (and possibly reassembly)
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