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 short update

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Age : 24
Join date : 2015-07-10
Points : 3585
Posts : 56
Location : Derry NH

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PostSubject: short update   short update Icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2017, 4:57 pm

So toady I have made more progress in the way of the attachment of the frount bar.  

short update Img_2011
This is the basic pull apart of how it goes on.

short update Img_2010
How it looks assembled.

In the end i think so far the bar is coming good.

In other means of trouble shooting, It has a new front pulley, making it a 4.5" on the Engine and 3" on the trans axle.
Doing this has completely eliminated belt slippage. Testing it out toady in the rain for first imprecations: dam its faster now.
what my last top speed in 6 is now in 3. Because it was very wet on the grass/sand pit i almost had the tail end out drifting,
It was not quite in over stear but it was wanting to.

The new occurring problem is the hood keeps falling off at speed, so i'm going to hood pins and have no idea on how to make

The last cool thing about the Engine that pops more than a Jaguar when i shut it off or i go wide open and suddenly go off and downshift i get around a 4 inch flame out the muffler.
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