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 17 hp opposed gov delete?

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Join date : 2019-06-24
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17 hp opposed  gov delete? Empty
PostSubject: 17 hp opposed gov delete?   17 hp opposed  gov delete? Icon_minitimeJuly 8th 2019, 9:49 pm

Does anyone have any pics of what's involved with taking the gov off fully not just by passing it looking to order a new flywheel and I'm thanking on deleting the gov
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17 hp opposed  gov delete? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 17 hp opposed gov delete?   17 hp opposed  gov delete? Icon_minitimeJuly 9th 2019, 2:34 am

I've done it a long time ago on two oppys, both in my Mutt thread. Basically you pull the bottom sump, and pop the governor gear that rides on the shaft that's pressed into the sump. The shaft that goes through to the outside has a little wing on it, that needs to be cut off so it doesn't swing into the crank. It's a simple deal if you have a gasket. Make sure the crank cam gear doesn't come up so the woodruff key turns and doesn't let the gear go back down. The gear should seat up against the crank.
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17 hp opposed gov delete?
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