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 17.5 OHV Performance

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Age : 22
Join date : 2019-11-16
Points : 1886
Posts : 80
Location : Augusta, GA

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PostSubject: 17.5 OHV Performance    17.5 OHV Performance  Icon_minitimeDecember 22nd 2019, 9:14 pm

My 17.5 OHV needs a new carb, it runs really lean and i’ve broken the mix screw. So I’m wanting to go ahead and upgrade while i’m at it.

What are my options for a better carb? I’d like a Mikuni clone but don’t know what size I’d need.

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2022 Build-Off Entrant
2022 Build-Off Entrant

Age : 47
Join date : 2019-05-13
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Location : Lone Pine, Washington

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PostSubject: Re: 17.5 OHV Performance    17.5 OHV Performance  Icon_minitimeDecember 23rd 2019, 1:37 am

diameter = sqrt( disp ) x 2. sqrt being square root. that's a 31ci as I recall, so 507cc give or take. rounding down to 500 (close enough) square root is 22.3 and some decimals. x2, rounding again, 44-45mm should be fine, could even go down to a 40 with jetting. Will need tuned of course, but will be in the ballpark
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